495. Alliance & Giants

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The Straw Hat Pirates arrive at the 1st island and it's not Punk Hazard. They don't get any distress calls, so they keep moving to the island pointed out by Log Pose. Luffy wanted to follow the needle that danced around, so now they arrived on the most dangerous 1st island, Raijin Island.

This island has thunder striking everywhere all the time. But people actually live here even though it's dangerous. Well, this place is a lot safer now with the structures built all over the island to absorb the lightning.

Enel loves this island, so he asks Buggy to conquer it. Ruff also asked him because they could use the lightning here for energy. Buggy didn't have any problem with that, instead, he was anticipating the result, so he agreed.

Clown Pirates built many tall infrastructures to absorb the lightning and turn it into energy that they can use. Of course, they work together with the locals so there wasn't any big problem. Now this island has developed a lot and it's much safer without lightning striking the ground all the time.

The Straw Hats are impressed by this island's infrastructure, especially Franky. He can see that everything here is planned and built very well. It makes him want to meet the people who built these amazing infrastructures that seem like they won't break even if they get struck by lightning for hundreds of years.

Nami is also interested in the weather manipulation technology. Although the system used here is basic, the way they executed it was exceptional. It even looks to be better than the methods she learned in Weatheria.

The Straw Hats are exploring Raijin Island without knowing that they've been found by Law who is waiting on another island. Law leaves the island quickly and moves to Raijin Island with his crewmates to meet the Straw Hat Pirates.

Long story short, both pirate crews agree to form an alliance. Luffy just accepts Law's offer without much consideration. He is just happy with the idea of getting new friends and proving his crew's power in the New World by facing a Warlord.

"So, where are they now? Where will we fight the Donquixote Family? Also, have you researched them?"

Leo is asking some important questions at once to make sure this alliance will work.

"Of course, we've gathered some information about them. Their current base is an island owned by the previous World Government that was used as a research facility, Punk Hazard. It was left after a failed experiment destroyed the lab."

Unlike in the series, Punk Hazard isn't split into hot and cold areas now. There wasn't a fight between Akainu and Aokiji because Akainu died years ago in Buggy's hands. The Fleet Admiral selection was also easy because Kizaru wasn't interested in that position, so Aokiji was the only choice.

That's why there was no need to use Punk Hazard as a battleground to select the Fleet Admiral. However, the failed experiment that destroyed the island was still a problem. Until Doflamingo recruited Caesar who was expelled from Vegapunk's team.

Doflamingo made Punk Hazard his base before the defeat of Celestial Dragons last year. That's why he gets it so easily through the 5 elders as a former Celestial Dragon who knows a lot of their secrets. Punk Hazard was full of toxic gas before, but Caesar cleaned them, that's one of Doffy's reasons for recruiting him.

Another reason is Caesar's knowledge to make artificial devil fruits. That's right, they are still producing SMILE now. But they can't spread it freely like in the series because of Buggy's group's interference.

Well, Doffy also didn't plan to spread it because they were made to strengthen his force. He feeds his men with SMILE to give them power. Just like Kaido, he doesn't care about the success rate and side effects on his men as long as his force gets stronger.

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