455. Uta's Plan

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It takes a long time for Buggy to clear up his wife's misunderstanding. Although Bellemere actually isn't angry at him and she knew that he wasn't having an affair. She knows Buggy so well that she believes he would never dare to cheat on her.

What really made her angry was that he never contacted her these last few months. Then when he returns, he suddenly brought a child. It reminded her of when Buggy acted as if he was very heartbroken when he first returned after a long time and found out that she was taking Nojiko and Nami as daughters.

At that time, she didn't know that he knew she adopted 2 daughters. So she believed his heartbroken act and she did everything to make him believe her only to find out that he already knew about the 2 girls' situations. She still remembers that day clearly and now she found a chance to get revenge.

Buggy finally knows the saying that women always remember men's mistakes. Even the Strongest Man in The World is helpless against his wife. He rather fights the whole Marines alone rather than face his wife's anger because at least he still has a winning chance against the Marines.

After Buggy managed to appease Bellemere, they finally talk about Alice. He doesn't need to tell her and she already said that Alice should stay with her until she matures. Aside from the reason that Buggy won't have time to take care of a child, she also feels quite lonely after 2 of her children left to pursue their dreams.

"Heh, you feel lonely, huh?"

"Why are you smirking? I told you I don't want to get pregnant again."

"But you want the process to make you pregnant, aren't you?"

"..... Pervert bastard."

Bellemere blushes, but she doesn't deny it and just stays still as Buggy lifts her to their bedroom. It's been a long time since they did it, so they enjoy it passionately. Nojiko knew this would happen, so she brings Alice around the islands for a whole day.

Buggy decides to stay in East Blue for a few days because things get quite hectic here after the war. Many new pirate crews are formed all over the world including East Blue. All these new and old pirate crews are creating a ruckus everywhere including his territories, so his crew will take care of this problem before returning.

While Buggy tries to keep East Blue under control, Cricket and the other executives are also working hard to maintain order in New World. They have taken over Big Mom Pirates, including their territories. But surely there are oppositions among Big Mom's subordinates, so they need to conquer all these guys completely.

They move all their men to handle this affair with Clown Pirates' methods. Clown Pirates have strict requirements for pirate crews to be part of their group. Those who don't want to follow their rules will be destroyed because they don't need people who can't follow their principles.

But they don't kill those people because these people are strong. Killing them is too wasteful, so they try to not kill too many. The defeated pirates will be sent to their mines or factories as workers. Basically, they are being enslaved. But unlike the Celestial Dragons, the Clown Pirates take care of their slave worker well and even promised them freedom if they work well.

The Clown Pirates have done this for years and there are many captured pirates that have been freed. Because of their good treatment, a lot of these people decided to join their group after being freed. This is also one of the reasons why Clown Pirates keep getting stronger over the years.

Other than taking care of former Big Mom territories, they also help the Red Hair Pirates handle problems that risen after the war. Buggy has made a deal with Shanks to help manage Red Hairs' territories in exchange for Shanks training Leo for a while.

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