462. Fallen Holy City

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The tsunami caused by the fall of the massive chunk of Red Line is much bigger than the one caused by Whitebeard in the war. This tsunami's height alone is already more than 2 kilometers and it's very wide because of the sheer size of the falling land.

Buggy's attack chopped the land in a V shape, so it gets wider as it gets higher. As the height of the Red Line from the surface of the sea is already more than 10 kilometers, the top part that is being cut is incredibly wide. The top part of the chopped part is already more than 15 kilometers long, so the tsunami wave spans almost as long as that because the falling land is almost submerged in the sea completely.

Such a tsunami will obviously reach New Marineford and the 3 first islands of New World. New Marineford has been protected by Aokiji and Ryokugyu. As for the 3 first islands, Buggy has made arrangements for this matter.

His subordinate organization, The Caribbean has planted its roots everywhere. Obviously, that includes the 3 first islands of New Worlds which are very important locations. The Caribbean members on the islands immediately warned the people as soon as the Red Line fell.

Some people didn't cooperate because they don't see the danger. So the Caribbean members used some force to make them move. They all go to higher grounds which is enough because the tsunami wave won't be that big when it reaches these islands.

All the islanders shiver when they see the tsunami really comes. Those who didn't want to evacuate are trembling harder because they almost died. They all see their towns getting crushed by tsunami, but they are still alive at least.

While these islands aren't drowned completely by the tsunami, the New Marineford is completely covered by it. Not only it is closer to Red Line, but the island also doesn't have any high ground. The base building might be tall, but it isn't taller than a mountain.

But even if it's completely submerged by the tsunami wave, the dome created by Aokiji and Ryokugyu is strong enough to block the water from crushing the island. Aokiji even increases the ice thickness by freezing the water that touches the dome to strengthen it even further.

The impact doesn't just affect the ones on the surface, but also the ones underwater. Fishman Island is also affected as the falling land was pushing water everywhere. The pushed water passed through the gap underneath Red Line and reaches Fishman Island.

But they have been prepared for it because Buggy has visited them before reaching Sabaody and told them his plan. He left his Fishman members to defend Fishman Island and also asked for Sun Pirates' cooperation. They use Fishman Karate to counter the strong current caused by the falling island.

Clown Pirates' Fishman members are very powerful that each one of them can defeat Jinbe. So the defense is surely very powerful too and the Fishman Island is well protected. Though they can't protect the areas outside the bubble because the defense would be weaker if they spread too much.

Luckily, there won't be any need to protect the area outside the bubble. In the past, they would be worried about the Fishmen in the Fishman District. But that place has been closed after years of effort by the Kingdom with the help of Clown and Sun Pirates.

Buggy has persuaded the Ryugu Kingdom to close Fishman District. Obviously, he gave them plans that were made carefully by some smart guys he knows. He also provided manpower to help the Kingdom like his Fishmen members and friends.

They succeeded and now Fishman District has been closed. Those who lived there have been relocated to the main island. Buggy also recruited a lot of them to his subordinate organizations to help the Ryugu Kingdom from getting overpopulated and also getting himself new blood.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن