492. Full Squad

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Luffy finally arrives, but as usual, he doesn't show up without causing any trouble. He is too focused on following Rayleigh's vivre card and doesn't watch his surroundings well. He passes through a war between pirate crews, disturbing the ones who fight and the spectators.

Everyone is angry because he just disturbs their 'sacred' tradition by just walking in the middle of a war with his big backpack. So they start chasing him to give him a lesson. Luffy who was told to not make trouble decided to run and not fight them.

He is excited to meet his crewmates in front of Shakky's bar. They are also excited to see him until they see the big angry crowd behind him. No one even wants to ask what happened because they already know Luffy doesn't know what he did wrong just from the look on his face.

"Well, let's just end this quickly."


A massive explosion suddenly hits the angry pirates. It's not the Straw Hats doing though, so even they are confused. They look at where the shot came from and see some familiar faces. 4 Pacifistas and many marine soldiers led by Sentomaru.

[Beep! Beep! Beep! Scanning complete. Detecting all members of Straw Hat Pirates.]

At the mention of Straw Hat Pirates, all the angry pirates suddenly get silent and their jaws drop in shock.

"Ah, it's you."

"Straw Hat Pirates, you're really here. Time to finish what we left 2 years ago. I will capture all of you here."

"Tsk, what kind of timing is this? How can they appear when Luffy arrives? They didn't show up at all these few days and now they suddenly know we are here."

"Also, he said it as if he gets information that we are here. Does someone report it to them? But why now of all times? We didn't even try to hide these last few days."

Nami and Robin are speculating that someone has reported them. But the timing is strange because it looks like the informant waited for them to gather completely. The Marines also seem stupid now because they didn't know the Straw Hats were already here for days and only waited for Luffy.

"You better go now or they'll send more people and stop you from going to New World."

Rayleigh suddenly tells them to go quickly and they know he is right. So they move quickly and Luffy has a short talk with Rayleigh that makes the old man tears up a little. They have placed their stuff on the ship already, so they can leave immediately.

The crew runs to their ship and the marines chase them. Rayleigh sends a slash attack in front of the Marines to stop them, but Sentomaru and the Pacifistas have gotten away, so the Straw Hats need to handle it themselves.

"What do you think, Shakky?"

"About what?"

"About this coincidence?"

"Fufufu, there js no coincidence. It must be Buggy-chan's doing. He has eyes and ears everywhere, so even if Monkey-chan tried to hide his arrival, it would be found out by Buggy-chan easily even if he's not here. There is no way the Marines would miss such a rowdy crew without any interference. So Buggy-chan's men must've hidden the information about them and only revealed it after Monkey-chan arrived."

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"You think so? I think that isn't even his full plan. We are talking about Buggy-chan here. He would do the most ridiculous things just for fun."

As Shakky has guessed, it is all Buggy's plan to make the Marines chase the Straw Hats after Luffy arrives. Things have changed a bit from how they were in the series. So Buggy decided to do something about it so as to not make things bland in Straw Hats' reunion.

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