450. 2 Wars

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After Enel destroyed the Cipher Pol agents, the Marines fall into despair once again. But now they put up more fights than before. They are more desperate now, after all. The only ones who can save them now are themselves. So they need to fight with everything they have if they want to survive.

Buggy grins seeing the Marines getting much more serious now. It will be too boring if they don't fight seriously and just give up before this war is over. After all, Buggy actually respects the Marine while he despises the Cipher Pol.

Marine is needed in this world because without them, this world will fall into chaos. As for Cipher Pol, they are nothing but Celestial Dragon's dogs that will do everything for Celestial Dragon, even if it means killing innocents. Well, the Marine also has people who will act like that, but there are more people who truly work for justice.

Meanwhile, Cipher Pol agents are trained to be heartless and only obey orders from World Government. That's why Buggy doesn't hesitate to kill Cipher Pol agents while he prefers to not kill Marines. So far in this war, Clown Pirates haven't killed any marine soldiers and at most, they only hurt the Marines badly.

Clown Pirates have a true objective in this war, which is to stall time and gather the world's attention on them. They even made Big Mom Pirates come here. Everything is just their plan to make this war the center of attention.

Buggy fights against the 3 Admirals without showing his full power also because he wants to stall time. He endures the 3 Admirals' joint attacks and doesn't fight using his devil fruit ability. He fights against 3 monsters and gathers attention on himself.

Fujitora's gravity is suppressing him, but he can still move rather freely even under strong gravity. Rather than him, it's the ground of Marineford that has a hard time enduring Fujitora's gravity. Furthermore, Kizaru's and Aokiji's attacks are damaging the ground that was sturdy enough to endure Whitebeard's power.

Buggy blocks Aokiji's black ice saber that is coated with advanced armament. Kizaru tries to attack from behind, but Buggy swings his sword horizontally. A very powerful blackened slash attack flies toward Kizaru who can't evade it because it will hit his men if he dodges.

Kizaru blocks it using his light sword and gets pushed quite far. Buggy's flying slash attack is on the same level as Mihawk's attack that Jozu took. Jozu could block it because he used his diamond power and Mihawk attacked from afar. But Kizaru takes it from a very close distance, so he takes the attack's full power, which is enough to push him quite far.

While Kizaru is occupied with that attack, Buggy sends the same attack at Aokiji whose only option is also blocking it like Kizaru. Then Buggy also sends the same attack at Fujitora. He just spams powerful attacks like nothing, showing how powerful he is.

Just 1 man is powerful enough to push the 3 Admirals. Then just like Jozu, the 3 Admirals throw the flying slash attacks to the sky because they can't break those attacks. Their weapons almost break too, that's why they threw the attack quickly.

Buggy's attack is more destructive than Mihawk's attack, after all. It's because he coated it with advanced armament and conqueror haki, making it more destructive even with similar power. Also, all 3 types of Buggy's haki are one of the best in the world that even scared someone of Oden's caliber.

Buggy's haki power surprised not just the Admirals, but also all 3 Emperors and other powerful people present. Only his crewmates are not surprised by it because they've seen Buggy's growth since he was just a rookie. Even so, they are still speechless by his monstrous growth even though they've witnessed it themselves.

But they also know that all of it is the result of Buggy's discipline. He worked harder and smarter than anyone else. It inspired his crewmates which resulted in their current level of power. He is the one who made this crew become this powerful, and that's why everyone in his crew is very loyal to him.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now