420. Ship Making

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Buggy slammed the Celestial Dragon very hard that her skull cracked. It's not too strong to kill her though, she just faints from the incredible pain. Buggy doesn't even feel sorry, he just realizes that he overdid it, and now he needs to deal with the Admirals.

"Sigh, whatever, let's just leave this place," says Buggy before picking up the little girl and her dad.

He leaves the place fast with them on his shoulders and runs to a Groove where some pirate ships are docked. But before they arrive, Buggy puts the 2 down and checks the dad's condition after being shot.

He instantly closes his eyes and sighs when he checks the man because the man has died. The shot pierced his heart, killing him instantly. So he looks at the little girl who looks very sad now. She knows that her father has died even before Buggy checked him.

"What's your name, darling?" asks Buggy while rubbing her purple hair slowly.

"Alice," says the little girl without looking at Buggy and only focusing on her father.

"How old are you, Alice?" asks Buggy.

"Alice is 8 years old now," says Alice.

"Alright, Alice, you know what happened to him, right?" asks Buggy.

"Yes, my daddy has left the world like my mommy. Now Alice is alone. It's Alice's fault that daddy died," says Alice while crying.

Buggy hugs her and pats her back, "You're right, he has left the world, but you are not alone. I will be with you from now on, so don't worry. Uncle will take care of you."

"B-but I don't know you, and what if you also left the world like mommy and daddy? People said Alice is a bringer of misfortune because mommy died after giving birth to Alice. Now daddy died because he protected Alice. What if uncle also died because of Alice?" asks Alice while crying louder.

"The bringer of misfortune? Well, you don't need to worry about that. Uncle likes to fight against misfortunes and has won many times. So don't worry about it," says Buggy.

Buggy suddenly feels a powerful presence coming to the island. An Admiral has come, so they need to leave soon. Buggy immediately makes a square hole in the Magroove's root and puts Alice's dad's body inside before he closes it.

"Remember that number well, Alice. You can visit this place when you want to see your father. Now he lives inside this giant tree with the number 18 on it. You need to get stronger so that you can come here anytime you want," says Buggy while holding Alice's hand.

Alice just nods, but she doesn't really understand what he means. Buggy then picks her up and leaves the place because the Admiral is almost here. He doesn't mind fighting against an Admiral, but it will be too dangerous for Alice.

They go to the outer Groove and Buggy steals a pirate ship. There are still many pirates on the ship, but he scares the shit out of them using his Conqueror Haki. Then he forces them to control the ship to leave Sabaody.

The pirates do as he says and they leave the Archipelago quite fast. Buggy then kicks the pirates out of their own ship, so now it's just him & Alice there. He tells Alice to stay inside the Captain's room because they will go through a very dangerous zone to avoid the Admiral's chase.

They go through a turbulent sea with many snake-like streams that have sunk many ships. Then Buggy chooses to enter Florian Triangle because it's very dark there, so they won't be seen. It's the best place to hide for a while and evades all eyes on them.

Buggy spends a few days in Florian Triangle with Alice. He uses these few days to get closer to Alice and know her better. He has decided to take care of her, so he needs to know her well. They have a lot of supplies on the ship, so they don't need to worry about food.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now