510. Clown Pirates' Tobiroppo

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"Making it more interesting, you say? So this dangerous sea is boring for you?"

"Haha, you would understand how boring it is once no one can fight you well, Black Maria. I always like difficult fights and if the opponents are too weak, then I would give myself some handicaps like only using my left hand, doesn't use devil fruit ability or haki, etc. All just to make my fights harder."

"Are you also doing that when fighting Red Hair & Whitebeard?"

"Of course. They are the best opponents I could fight now along with the Admirals."

"Sigh, so does this plan have any relation to that?"

"Yeah. Basically, this plan is to create powerful opponents for me to fight."

"Create? How?"

"Hehe, to summarize it, you guys will help some rookies grow by fighting them. You guys surely know that the best & fastest way to grow stronger is through battles. That's why I want you to go after potential pirates and fight them using whatever method you like. I prefer you go after young rookies because they still have a lot of hidden potential."

"So basically you want us to take the roles of villains in their stories?"

"You don't want to be villains?"

"Nah, I love to be a villain. That is what being a pirate means anyway."

"Yeah, and I would like to fight those infamous rookies."

"Wait! Does this include your son's crew?"

"Oh, the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Yeah, of course, this includes them. You can just fight them like you fight everyone else or even more ruthless, I don't mind at all. After all, if he wants to achieve his goal, then he should be able to surpass all of you combined."

"His goal needs him to defeat all of us together? What kind of goal is that?"

"Shouldn't be a Pirate King because he isn't the Captain."

"His goal is to defeat me."


The 6 of them are surprised, but not with Alan & his crewmates who obviously know it already.

"Haha, that sounds even more difficult than being the Pirate King. But I really understand him. Wanting to surpass the best in the world is something that everyone desires, especially if that person is your father. But not everyone has the talent and mental to go after that goal."

"Yeah, like a lot of people want to find Laugh Tale. But only some percent are truly doing everything to find it and never give up."

"So, do you agree to join this plan? Of course, you will get enough compensation. If you agree, then let's talk about details."

Everyone agrees because this really sounds fun even though they know the risk isn't light. The risk can even be death if they aren't careful, but that's what they face every day as pirates, so it doesn't bother them at all.

They talk about the details like their territories for this plan, who they'll target, what equipment they need, etc for 2 hours. Then after the meeting, the 6 pirates request a battle with Legend Pirates, or to be precise, the 4 Clown Pirates' apprentices.

"How is it, Alan? This sounds like a good idea."

"Sigh, you just want to watch a good battle, Grand Captain. Fine, but let's do it like this. The 6 of you will only fight Jack, Elen, & Yamato. If you can defeat them, then you can fight me tomorrow after you recover."

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