513. Whitebeard's Defeat

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Whitebeard runs back to continue his fight with Alan who also has the same idea. They meet again soon and start fighting without saying a word after blasting each other. The only thing on their mind is battle.

Alan is skillfully handling Whitebeard's attacks that are imbued with haki & quake power using his martial arts skills taught by Cricket. He uses his acid on his feet to create a slippery substance that makes him able to slide. He slides to move faster and unpredictably without falling.

His fast & unpredictable sliding moves make Whitebeard unable to hit him. Instead, Alan keeps hitting Whitebeard from different angles. Also, as he has a much bigger body, Whitebeard is a very easy target for Alan, while it's the opposite for Whitebeard as Alan is much smaller than him.

Each of Alan's attacks is imbued with advanced haki and acid power. The advanced haki damages Whitebeard's internal organs, while the acid burns his skin, causing itchiness, and creating great pain. Normal people's bodies would have melted already if they got hit by Alan's acid, but Whitebeard only gets a slight burn-like skin.

Alan now starts to fight with the intent to win the battle without caring for his method. Though he will never use dirty tricks. He was fighting all of Whitebeard's attacks head-on before, but now he is trying to avoid all attacks to reduce damage to his body.

Even so, Whitebeard's quake attacks still can affect him even if they don't hit. The powerful vibration can spread in the air and still hit him. But the damage is reduced a lot because they don't hit him directly.

Whitebeard gets rather frustrated and stomps the ground with his quake power. It shakes the whole island and the ground around him gets destroyed, destroying Alan's foothold. So Alan jumps into the air to attack Whitebeard's head.

The old man sees it through and sends a quake hook punch toward Alan who jumps toward him. Alan clicks his tongue before he suddenly shoots acid through his left palm to the left. The shot is powerful and it actually makes Alan's body spin, avoiding Whitebeard's punch.

Alan spins right beside Whitebeard's punch that goes past him. Then he suddenly kicks Whitebeard's elbow, causing Whitebeard's punch's aim to change. That redirected punch creates a powerful impact that destroys the whole area it's aimed at and it hits many people who fight on that side.

Alan himself lands on the ground after using the kick to push himself back. Then he dashes again toward Whitebeard before the old man can react. Alan reaches Whitebeard almost instantly with a punch covered with acid and advanced haki aimed at Whitebeard's left waist.


Whitebeard realizes Alan's attack too late and gets hit by that powerful punch. He coughs blood as his big body gets sent flying by Alan's punch. The old man flies toward the destroyed area, so there are no trees to block him. He flies very far before descending and starts rolling on the ground.

Everyone around is shocked to see Whitebeard's big body fly quite far and roll on the ground. Whitebeard balances himself and stops his slide by stabbing his weapon into the ground. He looks to where he came from and sees Alan has run toward him already with an attack ready.

"You won't defeat me that easily, brat!"

Whitebeard stands and holds his weapon that still pierces the ground. He puts a foot on the front and then swings his weapon up to the front. His swing creates a very powerful vertical slash that destroys the ground as it moves toward Alan.

"Something like this, I've faced it numerous times!"

Alan prepares a punch and keeps moving toward the vertical slash energy. He can avoid it, but that will mean he is scared to face Whitebeard's attack. So he decides to take it and when he gets very close to it, he punches the slash attack with an advanced haki punch from the right side.

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