499. Artificial Devil Fruits

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Without anyone knowing, Buggy enters the big lab facility. He moves stealthily amidst the battles without anyone realizing. Stealth is a skill he trained quite seriously because it's really fun & cool, so now he is good at it.

He moves around inside the big facility and looks around as if it's a museum. Of course, he still avoids people while searching the SMILE production rooms. Buggy already gets information about this place's layout, so he can find those rooms, if he doesn't forget to bring the map.

"Tsk, I should've put it in my pocket. Well, I know the general location, so it doesn't matter."

Buggy doesn't really mind it because he can just destroy this whole island if needed. He has some ways to deal with this problem, so there's no need to overthink it. However, he doesn't want to destroy an island unless he doesn't have another choice.

A while later, Buggy finds a storage room where they keep the SMILE fruits. He passes the guards easily without them knowing. There are many boxes of SMILE fruit inside the storage room.

"There are too many of them even if they want to feed the whole Donquixote Family. Seems like they really plan to sell these fruits outside after they have enough for their men. Heh, trying to be sneaky, eh?"

Buggy takes a small round metal ball from his pocket. It's a time bomb that has enough power to destroy this whole room despite its small size. He sets the time to 30 minutes, enough time for him to finish all his purposes of coming here.

After hiding the bomb, Buggy goes to find the other SMILE rooms. He has some time bombs ready to destroy this facility. Vegapunk has said that there's nothing important here, so he can destroy it.

But Buggy knows there is at least 1 good item here, Vegapunk's failed artificial devil fruit. It's a failed product by Vegapunk's standard, but it's much better than Caesar's SMILE. He is thinking about the artificial devil fruit that Momo ate in the series.

"Pink Dragon is still a dragon. That crazy old man deemed it as a failure simply because the dragon is pink instead of blue like the original."

Buggy obviously wants that fruit because its power is the same as the original. Only the color is different and it doesn't matter. But he doesn't have much hope because Doffy might have given it to one of his people.

Sometime later, Buggy finally finds the SAD room, but it's locked tightly. It's not a problem for him though. He just chops the thick metal gate using his awakened ability and reattaches it again to make sure no one will find out.

There are some guards inside and he knocks them out quickly. He also knocks out the surveillance camera denden mushis on the wall. It will surely make the guards realize that there is an infiltrator, but Buggy doesn't care. They can't hurt him anyway.

"These tanks look sturdy."

Buggy knocks the tank lightly to check its sturdiness. It's made of good materials as he expected because it is used to store an important chemical solution.

"I would take some samples if we don't have Vegapunk in our group now. But there's no point taking this thing because he can make something much better."

Buggy tosses a few time bombs to the gaps between SAD tanks. Then he leaves the room before anyone arrives. Some guards come to check the situation and only find the SAD room's guards lying unconscious on the floor.

They woke those guards and asked who the attacker was, but no one saw who it was. It makes them raise the security level and then Caesar sends all the guards to find the infiltrator. He contacts the executives, but they all are busy, so they can only send some officers.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now