453. End of Marineford War

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The death of Big Mom shocks everyone watching. They know Buggy is strong, but not to the point of killing another Sea Emperor effortlessly. Also, he does that after fighting the whole Marines for a long time.

Now people start thinking that if Buggy wanted it, then he could kill the Admirals too. Even a very tired Buggy can kill Big Mom, so he should be able to kill the Admirals when he was still full of energy before. It makes them fully realize why he can be the strongest in the world.

Buggy drops Big Mom's head to the sea before looking at Big Mom Pirates. Her kids are still in shock because their mother died just like that. Even though she was cruel to them, their family bond is quite strong.

"From this moment, there's no Big Mom Pirates anymore. If you Charlotte siblings want to live for the next years, then be my subordinates. I will give you 3 seconds to think."

Buggy surprises everyone including his crew with that.

"One, two, three!"

"Stop! Alright, we'll comply."

Katakuri answers Buggy hastily as cold sweats run down his spine. He saw a glimpse of future that made him terrified. Only a few seconds later, Buggy would show a ridiculously powerful attack that could destroy the remnants of Big Mom Pirates easily.

Facing such power, Katakuri knows the only way to survive is by complying. Their crew has been hit greatly and their power is reduced a lot with Big Mom's death, after all. The homies she made also died when she died, and homies fill almost half of their total crew number.

Their ship was also a homie, but now it has lost its soul along with Big Mom's death. It has become a normal ship, so their naval power has reduced significantly because their ship can't work as well as before.

Some of his siblings don't agree with Katakuri's decision to surrender. But they change their minds immediately when they see Katakuri's expression. The strongest among them who can also look a little into the future is terrified, so they know that something bad would happen if they keep fighting.

It's a well-known fact that Katakuri cares for his siblings more than anyone in the family. People even thought that Katakuri would oppose even Big Mom when she hurt his siblings if he has enough power. But he wasn't strong enough to do it and he knew that without Big Mom, them siblings would be numerous people's targets of rage.

Even without seeing Buggy's future attack, that reason was enough to make Katakuri sure that they need to follow Clown Pirates. They might be enemies, but Katakuri knows very well that Buggy is someone who treasures his subordinates. He would even avenge a small crew that has pledged loyalty to him when they get killed.

Also, unlike Big Mom, Buggy never punishes his men just because he was angry. He was very clear of his rules and will punish anyone who broke them. If not, then he would never punish them no matter how angry he was. At most, he would scold them. The Clown Pirates are more like a family than even the Charlotte family.

"That's more like it. Cricket, you go with them back to New World. You can take Enel and Magnus with you."

"Aye aye, Capt."

"Now, Marines, do you want to end this or you still want to continue?"

Obviously, the answer to Buggy's question is the Marines don't want to continue the war. But they can't answer that because they'll look weak to the people who watch this. They'll lose people's trust if they just surrender to the pirates.

Buggy understands this and he smirks while looking at the Marines who have lost their fighting spirits. He just stands there looking at them trembling while waiting for their Fleet Admiral to answer. They don't want to fight anymore, but only Sengoku can make the decision.

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