505. Leaving Punk Hazard

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In the end, Buggy leaves with just Flintstone & his wife using a boat. The saved criminals are given access to ships of the Donquixote Family. They can do whatever they want and go wherever they want with those ships, but they need to leave by themselves.

As for the civilians, Dressrosa Kingdom and Prodence Kingdom are taking care of them. They will wait for the Marines who will come soon to make a plan to send these people home. It brings relief to the civilians who finally can go home after being enslaved for years.

However, it doesn't mean the war is over already. Many battles still occur all over the island because not everyone knows of Doffy's defeat yet. Law & Corazon also don't spread the news yet and just stay silent.

"Why don't we tell them that Mingo has lost?"

"If we do that, then those Donquixote Family bastards will run away before the Marines arrive. Those Marines will arrive soon, and they will surely try to catch every criminal here. If we tell them of Doflamingo's defeat, then they will run away to save their lives."

"Oh, I don't really understand but that sounds great."

"You want the Marines to capture them because they are criminals? Do you forget that we are criminals too?"


Leo suddenly comes with lots of wounds on his body. He is dragging an unconscious person by the foot. Then he throws that person to Luffy's feet and Luffy is surprised to see who it is that Leo tossed to him.


It isn't Luffy who said it, but Corazon who gets surprised seeing Lucci here.

"I thought he had died in the War of Gods when Marie Geoise was destroyed."

"There weren't clear records of the casualties in that war because everything was decimated. Maybe he was away when that war happened."

"That seems to be the case because there's no way he could survive that war if he's there."

"Leo, what about Bellamy?"

"He's fine, he should come soon. There was someone else that showed up, so I ordered Bellamy to handle him."

Sometime later, someone comes, though it's not Bellamy, it's Sanji. He has some wounds too, mostly caused by sharp attacks. But he looks fine overall, so they know his battle was hard but not too hard either, just enough for him.

"Are you okay, Sanji?"

"Yep, it was a tough fight. He was the strongest opponent I've ever... No, never mind, the 3rd strongest I've ever faced."

"Who was it, Cook-ya? And 3rd?"

"It's the guy with a long nose from CP-9 that we fought on Enies Lobby. Yeah, he is 3rd. The strongest was Admiral Kizaru when we were on Sabaody, and the 2nd was that unknown guy we fought on Sky Island."

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