6 - The Last Stand (Thor: The Dark World)

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As the storm raged on around them, Thor and Jane trekked across the alien world, eventually coming to a large cave for shelter from the storm. The 2 walked dejectedly inside where Jane sat down. 

Jane: *breathless* He's gonna unleash it. Not just on Asgard, or on a star. Malekith is going to destroy everything. 

The audience felt great anger towards the Dark Elf at this.

Yang: Destroying everything. Just so he can have things the way he wants it. How selfish can you get?!

Ozpin: Sadly, there will always be people like him, Ms. Xiao Long. Those who can only tolerate the world to be as they envision it, anything else be damned. That's what makes them so dangerous because they are willing to go to any length to achieve what they believe to be the perfect world.

Nora: *smiles confidently* It's okay. We all know Dad's gonna kick his butt!

Ren: Maybe, but who else will be lost before that happens? *Nora frowns*

Thor: *looks at Jane* How...? Jane, how?

Jane: I saw him on Earth... Why would he go to Earth?

Thor: *sighs, looks away* The convergence. 

Jane: Oh god. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether.

Thor: *moves closer to Jane* Then Malekith would have only possessed it that much sooner.

Some of the members of the audience looked unsure at that statement.

Coco: Eh... I mean, the Dark Elves didn't even wake up until the Aether was discovered, so I don't know about that. 

Penny: Perhaps, but there's no way she or Thor could've known that was the case. And there is also a possible case to be made that Malekith had something in motion to wake him in time for the Convergence. 

Velvet: In the end, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is stopping Malekith. He's clearly not unstoppable yet, or he would've dealt with Thor and the others himself instead of sending the Kursed to do it, right?

Many people were shocked at the rabbit faunus' statement and gained the tiniest glimmer of hope from this. 

Glynda: Excellent point, Ms. Scarlatina. 

She glanced down for a second before her gaze met his. 

Jane: I only found it 'cause I was looking for you. 

Thor: *rubs Jane's hair* Jane...

She leaned into his touch despite the despaired look she was giving him. 

Jane: Now we're trapped here.

The thunder god was about to respond when strange music started ringing out through the cave. Not Asgardian or Elven music, but hip-hop from Earth.

The 2 looked around, eyes squinted in confusion as they searched for the source, before they realized, it was coming from one of their pockets. 

Thor: It's not me.

Jane reached into the folds of her dress. Turns out, the source of the noise was her phone. 

Jane: *on the phone, bewildered* Hello?

Jaune: *confused* So, her phone is ringing. What's the point of that?

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