2 - The First Incident (The Incredible Hulk)

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(Start Video at 4:05)

The screen then turned to an aerial view of a pentagonal like building.


Inside the building, in what looks like an office, is the man who was chasing Banner across the country. The tag had his name, General T. Ross. He seemed to be doing some work while smoking a cigar until someone, probably his assistant, handed him some papers.

Ruby: Hey, it's that guy from the opening scenes! The one who was chasing after Banner!

Many in the audience saw this and they also recognized him.

Qrow: Hey, you're right! It is him! You've got a good eye kiddo. *ruffles Ruby's hair*

Assistant: Here's something a bit more interesting. *gives papers to Ross* It's possible gamma sickness.

Velvet: *nervous* Gamma Sickness?

Britney: Just wait a bit, you'll see.

The scene then changed to that of a man, Stan Lee, opening a fridge, looking for something to drink until he stopped at the bottles seen in the factory.

Qrow: Hey, it's Stan again.

Gian: Yeah, he's going to be in every one of these movies, so better pay attention.

Ironwood: Considering that he helped create all these heroes, it's understandable he'd want to appear beside them.

Assistant: Milwaukee. A man drank one of those guarana sodas.

He picked up a bottle and drank a bit of it.

Assistant: Guess it had a little more kick than he was looking for.

Old Man Stan: *surprised* ...Wow.

He suddenly dropped the bottle, shattering it and spilling the contents on the floor. (Press F to pay respects.)(A/N - NO OFFENSE)

Seeing this shock many in the audience, especially the children.

Blake: *terrified* Oh, my Gods, what happened?!

Britney: *looks at her phone* Not much was explained about this, but long-story-short when he drank that bottle, he had something similar to a seizure, having spasms and acting like his body was trying to violently reject something. With the victim being a few millimeters close to death.

Upon hearing this, many in the audience turned pale as what she said registered in their heads. On the bright side, they now know why Banner tried to make sure that his blood didn't fall into the bottles.

Back at the office, having both read and heard enough, General Ross stood up.

Ross: Where was it bottled?

Assistant: Porto Verde, Brazil.

Turning back to Ross, his expression hardened, he then ordered while the picture zoomed in on his face.

Ross: Get our agency people looking for a white man at that bottling plant. Tell them no contact. If he even sees them, he's gone.

Qrow: Well, this guy certainly reminds me of a certain 'someone'. *looks at Ironwood*

Ironwood: As a fellow military man, myself, I can both see and understand why he's doing this. But from what I've seen and heard so far, I can't help but notice that he's hiding something.

Gian: Oh, trust me, you'll see why soon enough.


The scene then changes to a military base, with soldiers running and Humvees arriving.

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