2 - Something's Not Right... (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

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Inside the Triskelion, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve walked into Fury's office.

Steve: *accusingly* You just can't stop
yourself from lying, can you?

Fury: I didn't lie. Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours.

Steve: Which you didn't feel obliged to share.

Fury: I'm not obliged to do anything.

Qrow: *to Ozluminati* Anyone else getting some flashbacks to the early days when Oz brought us in on the whole Salem thing?

Ironwood: I'm almost positive he and I had a conversation EXACTLY like this on one of the first missions he sent the 2 of us on.

Glynda: Try being his personal assistant and having to hear that every day. Hell, I even hear it when asking about things I
have a right to know as a headmistress, like what the relics are during first-year initiations, or even how he'll be launching the students into the forest.

Ozpin: Oh, come now. Isn't a bit of mystery part of the fun?

Audience: NO! *Ozpin sweatdrops*

Steve: Those hostages could've died, Nick.

Fury: I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen.

Steve: Soldiers trust each other, that's what makes it an army. Not a bunch of guys running around and shooting guns.

Nora: Uh... I thought that's what an army is.

Cinder: It absolutely is.

Pyrrha: Well, that's certainly not what it is supposed to be. An army is supposed to be like Huntsmen and Huntresses: a unified group working together to protect a nation from the forces that would harm it.

Fury: The last time I trusted someone, I lost an EYE.

Emerald: *shudders* I'll admit. That's a good reason not to trust someone.

Cinder winced at this as she remembered she would've lost an eye in the future.

He then sighed and lightened up a bit.

Fury: Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything.

Ozpin: And this is why I gave you all the option to join the fight with Salem, so you wouldn't have to do things you aren't comfortable with, which you clearly did have to do, as the future Mr. Gian showed us can attest to.

Ruby: There's definitely a lot about it to be uncomfortable with, but it doesn't change the fact we're still willing to
stand with you.

Weiss: We took an oath to defend Remnant was the forces that would harm it. It's much deeper than we thought at first, but our mission hasn't changed at all. Fighting Salem is still defending Remnant.

Ren: Exactly. We asked for the war with the Grimm and Salem, but the people didn't. So if we don't help, that's
less people keeping them out of this fight.

Ozpin smiled proudly at his students.

Steve: *frustrated* I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own.

Fury: It's called compartmentalization. Nobody spills the secrets, because nobody knows them all.

Steve: *accusing* Except you.

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