10 - Party's Over (Iron Man 3)

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(START AT 3:27)

The scene then switches to Tony, who was revealed to still be in one piece, and is actually still on the boat, where he was controlling the suit. 

Tony: *surprised* That came out of nowhere. Wow.

Rhodes: *opens the door behind Tony* Give me some good news, man.

Tony: I think they all made it.

Penny: Which is still quite amazing. I do not believe I could do nearly as well as he did.

Weiss: Of course you could, Penny. You're incredible. You're just as advanced, if not more so than any of Tony's suits-

Gian: *mutters* At this point...

Ruby: I'm sure you'd be able to find a way to save them all, Penny.

Ozpin: Either way, Tony's actions are commendable. The mark of a true hero.

Rhodes: *relieved* Oh, thank God.

Tony: Yeah, but I missed the president.

Rhodes: You couldn't save the president with the suit, how are we gonna save Pepper with nothing?

Ruby: You'll find a way. The good guys always win!

Cinder: *sighs* Ruby, I love your enthusiasm, but one day, that way of thinking is going to hurt you. Physically or emotionally.

Ren: Still, Tony's proven in this movie he's far more than just a suit. It would be a grave mistake to underestimate him now.

Tony looked unsure a this.

Tony: Uh... Say, JARVIS, is it that time?

JARVIS: The House Party Protocol, sir?

Tony: Correct.

Jaune: House Party Protocol? What could that be?

Pyrrha: JARVIS had mentioned earlier that the crew working on fixing Tony's house had uncovered his cellar. Perhaps there's something there?

Yang: *grins* Whatever it is, it's gonna be good.

Nora: Ooh! Maybe he came up with his own version of Mjolnir!

Blake: Somehow, I doubt it, Nora.

The scene now switches to the ruins of Tony's house in Malibu, where dozens of construction workers are cleaning up the premises. Then a hatch in the floor opened up, where a small army of Iron Men suits flew out, presumably heading to the same place Tony and Rhodey were going.

Emerald: Well, looks like the invincible girl was right.

Ruby: *amazed* An army of Iron Man suits!

Ironwood: Almost like a legion of Iron Men. This ought to be good. As long as they stay airborne, the Extremis soldiers couldn't hope to touch them.

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