4 - Coming Home (Iron Man)

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Tony was now seen staggering his way thru the desert. He seemed to be in a daze, as it almost looked like he was drunk while he walked.

Yang: Why is he walking like he's drunk?

Qrow: He's probably delirious. We don't know how long he's been out there, but a safe bet would be at least a day. By now he's got to be starving and dehydrated.

Suddenly, engine sounds could be heard, before a pair of helicopters flew overhead.

Tony: HEY! *waves arm wildly* HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The helicopters then landed as Tony dropped to his knees, laughing and giving out a peace sign. Soon, several soldiers, including Col. James Rhodes, exited the choppers and ran toward the billionaire.

Rhodes: How was the "fun-vee?" *puts a hand on Tony's shoulder* Next time, you ride with me. Ok? *laughs and hugs Tony*

Blake: *sheds a tear* Thank goodness. His friend was there when he needed him the most.

Weiss: *smiles at Blake* Just like we'll be there for each other when we need each other the most.

A plane was then shown landing on an army base. Pepper and Happy were there waiting for Tony. The hatch to the back of the plane opened slowly, revealing Rhodes standing Tony, who's in a wheelchair and has his right arm in a sling, looking far better than he was in the previous scene.

Qrow: Damn, he cleans up real good.

Winter: I am assuming the military gave him their absolute best treatment for what happened to him.

Rhodes: Watch it, coming up here.

A pair of paramedics then came up to the 2 with a stretcher.

Tony: *annoyed* Are you kidding me with this? Get rid of them.

Thankfully, Rhodes gestured to the paramedics that they weren't needed. Soon, Pepper approached Tony with a smile, seeing only 2 cuts on his face.

Ruby: *in awe* You would rarely know he was tortured.

Weiss: He is most likely wearing make-up to cover any other wounds. My father always insisted that I hide my scar with make-up during concerts and charity events. Most of Atlas are not even aware that I have a scar.

Tony: Your eyes are red. A few tears of joy for your long-lost boss?

Pepper: Tears of joy. I hate job hunting.

Tony: Yeah, vacation's over.

Blake: *smiles* She does care about him.

Qrow: Then again, she could've been crying at the thought of losing those big pay paychecks. *chuckles*

Soon, the 2 entered the limo, with Happy as the driver.

Happy: Where to, sir?

Potts: Take us to the hospital please, Happy-

Tony: No.

Potts: No? Tony, you have to go to the hospital.

Winter: *angered* How irresponsible! The tortures and injuries you sustained aside, do you have any idea how much rust might be in your system from that chest piece?!

Weiss: *angered* Exactly! Yinsen gave his life to give you a 2nd chance at yours! You must do your absolute best to take care of yourself!

Tony: No is a complete answer.

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