1 - Starting Things Off With A Blast (Iron Man)

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It began in a desolate landscape, a desert with snowy mountains in the distance. Wind could be heard before a line of armored vehicles racing across the dust, leaving trails of it behind them. Suddenly, music blasted through the speakers. A humvee crawled along the dirt trail as rock music played.

Qrow: Hey, alright. This is some music I can jam to.

Yang: Aww, yeah! Rock on!

Ruby: Yeah!

Winter: Ugh. Of course, you would enjoy such loud, unrefined music. Why not something more classical?

Weiss: If you mean like my music Winter, I'm not sure it would fit here.

[Kunar Province, Afghanistan.]

Blake: *confused* Kunar Province? Afghanistan?

Ruby: I've never heard of that place.

Gian: I'm pretty sure I mentioned this is from another world. As in not Remnant. You likely won't recognize any of these places.

The inside of one of the jeeps was then shown, a silver boom box was at the feet of some soldiers, one of them smirking at it, before a hand holding a glass of scotch came onto the screen, trembling with the turbulence. A young soldier looked at the man across from him, a bit nervously, before looking ahead. Tony Stark was then shown on the screen, wearing a suit and stylish sunglasses. His eyes met the young soldier's, causing him to look away once more.

Tony: I feel like you're driving me to a court-martial. This is crazy. What did I do? I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me. What, you're not allowed to talk? Hey, Forrest!

Winter: He should have more respect for soldiers.

Qrow: Hey, lighten up, Ice Queen. He's just having some fun with them.

Winter: Of course, you would like the man with a glass of scotch in his hand.

M Soldier 1: We can talk, sir.

Tony: Oh, I see. So it's personal?

F Soldier: No, you intimidate them.

Ruby: Why would they be intimidated by him? He doesn't look that scary.

Weiss: He's most likely a weapons benefactor for them. In other words, he supplies them with highly powerful weaponry. So if he has that at his disposal, it's no wonder he intimidates them. Most soldiers in Atlas find my father quite intimidating as well.

Blake: You sure that's because of his weapons and not the fact that he's a racist slave driver constantly making shady business deals?

Yang: Ohhhhhhhh! Papa Schnee got burned!

Tony: Good God, you're a woman. I honestly... I couldn't have called that. I mean, I'd apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? I thought of you as a soldier first.

F Soldier: *chuckles* I'm an airman.

Tony: You have, actually, excellent bone structure, there. I'm kind of having a hard time not looking at you now. Is that weird?

Soldiers: *laughing*

Tony: Come on, it's okay, laugh.

Winter: You're on duty! Be serious!

Ruby: Is it that bad to have a few laughs?

Qrow: Hey, come on now ice queen. Everyone has a sense of humor. You can still laugh at a joke and do your job. As long as they do their job, who cares?

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