A Bittersweet Goodbye

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Dear Beloved Readers,

It is with a heavy heart but also a sense of excitement for new adventures that I announce my retirement from the world of writing. Yes, you read that right. After much contemplation and soul-searching, I have come to the difficult decision to bid adieu to the realm of storytelling.

For years, you have journeyed with me through countless tales, laughed with my characters, cried over their struggles, and celebrated their triumphs. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm have been the fuel that powered my imagination and inspired me to pen down stories that I hope have left a lasting impact on your hearts.

But as they say, all good things must come to an end. It's time for me to embark on a new chapter of my life, one where I explore different passions and pursuits outside of the written word. Rest assured, this decision was not made lightly, and I will cherish the memories we've created together forever.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to each one of you for your endless encouragement and love. You have been more than just readers; you've been companions on this incredible journey, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

While this may be the end of my writing career, it is by no means the end of our connection. I will always treasure the bonds we've formed and the moments we've shared through the pages of my books.

So, as I bid farewell to fiction, I leave you with my heartfelt thanks and the hope that you continue to find joy and inspiration in the stories that fill your lives.

With love and gratitude,


And now, please, watch this video tribute:

Did I get you? 


Fear not, guys, for I am not retiring just yet! 

Stay tuned for more adventures to come!

But before we end it here, answer this riddle:

I am the melody that haunts your dreams,
A digital ghost in the machine, it seems.
Hidden within the depths of cyberspace,
A timeless tune that you cannot erase.

You may seek knowledge or seek delight,
But in me, you'll find both day and night.
Click and wander through the web's vast scroll,
But beware, for in every link, I may troll.

In videos, memes, and even disguised,
I'll catch you off guard, no need to advise.
A never-ending game of hide and seek,
For those who dare to click and peek.

So heed this warning, traveler bold,
In this vast digital realm, I hold.
You may think you're safe, but in control,
Yet with one click, I'll claim your soul.

What am I? ;}

Answers go here. --->

RWBY reacts to the MCUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora