3 - Great Gains, Great Loss (Captain America: The First Avenger)

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Ironwood: But still, the fact he was willing to lay down his life for his men was incredible.

Winter: Indeed. We'd be lucky to have soldiers half as brave and determined.

Jaune: Yeah. I wish I was even half the man he is.

Ruby: And just imagine what he'll be like after he gets turned into a super soldier!

Yang: Any eild guesses that are right on the money later, Nora?

Nora: Nope. I guess it was just one lucky call.

Gian: *nervously*  Yeah... only one...

Pyrrha: I'm sure he'll prove to everyone that he was indeed the perfect candidate when the time arrives.

Steve was seen sitting in his cabin, alone, on his bed, reading a book. Then, he heard a knock on the door. The doctor peaked in as Steve turned around.

Erskine: May I?

Steve: Yeah. *closes book*

Erskine: Can't sleep?

Steve: I got the jitters, I guess.

Nora: What's he so nervous about?

Jack: Tomorrow is when the procedure happens to make Dteve a super soldier.

Ren: So soon? They mentioned it'd be a week.

Weiss: Well, they likely wouldn't have been able to show a whole week's worth of training in a movie.

Erskine: *chuckles* Me too.

He then sat a glass down on a table beside Steve as he was holding a bottle of schnapps.

Steve: Can I ask you a question?

Erskine: Just one? *sits down*

Steve: Why me?

Cinder: I honestly had the same question when Salem had chosen me to be the Fall Maiden over any other girl she could've chosen.

Ozpin: Because she knew she could manipulate you. It's what she does, I'm afraid.

Glynda: And one of the many reasons we aim to stop her. So she cannot manipilate anyone like she did to you again.

That put a small smile on Cinder's face.

Erskine: I suppose that is the only question that matters. *looks at bottle* This is from Augsburg. My city. So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own. You know, after the last war, the... my people struggled. They... They felt weak. They felt small. And then Hitler comes along with the marching and the big show and the flags and the... and the...

He then waved his hand, referring to the infamous Nazi salute.

Gian: Hitler's Nazi Salute is holding your hand high up in the air. And, while I'm at it, goose stepping, which is a term you'll hear later, is how they marched, keeping their legs straight and lifting them at least to the height of their knees with every step.

Jack: Yeah. But nowadays, that salute is widely considered unacceptable and being caught doing it can get you fired from certain jobs and banned from public places for life. The goose step... *shrugs* well, quite a few militaries still do it, so... I guess it didn't get as much hate or resentment as the salute.

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