Finale - To the End of the Line (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

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(STOP AT 0:27)

Rockwell: What are you doing?

Natasha was on the computer.

Pierce: *angry* She's disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the Internet.

Ruby: *happy* So, everyone will know about HYDRA!

Ren: True, but that will also mean people will know about the countless assassinations Natasha has done. S.H.I.E.L.D. has likely kept a record of them. Both any she's done for them and the ones from before she was with them.

Penny: And probably any alternate identities she had, so it will be more difficult for her not to stand out in public.

Glynda: Which will no doubt make people around her very nervous, knowing everything she's done.

Nat: Including HYDRA's.

Pierce: And S.H.I.E.L.D's. If you do this, non of your past is gonna
remain hidden. Are you sure you're ready for the world to see you as you really are?

Nat: Are you?

Yang: Oh! She threw it right back at him! She didn't even flinch! *laughs*

Ironwood: But it's truly amazing she's not even hesitating to expose the secrets of an organization she was so loyal to, even though it will make her own life undoubtedly harder in the future. She truly is commendable.

Ozpin: Indeed. Victory cannot be attained without sacrifice and she doesn't hesitate to make that sacrifice. Regardless of her past and whatever feelings of inadequacy she has about herself, she truly has the essence of a hero, just as much as Steve or Tony.

Inside the control center of Helicarrier Alpha, Steve reached the computer board and replaced the chip as directed.

Steve: Alpha locked.

Hill: Falcon, where are you now?

Meanwhile, Sam was still flying through the sky, evading enemy fire.

Sam: I had to take a detour!

He was flying towards one of the Helicarriers, when heat-seeking missiles were shot at him by HYDRA.

Emerald: I mean, could a jet even shoot something that small moving that fast?

Coco: It'd probably be difficult, but not impossible. I can turn tiny Nevermore into Mantle cheese like nothing.

Ruby: Besides, any good attack ship should have heat-seeking missiles, which is probably what they just shot at him.

Weiss: Well, he'll have to be smart to get around those, then.

So he flew back towards the Helicarrier and managed to get the missiles that were aimed at him to hit the Helicarrier, giving him entrance.

Sam: OH, YEAH! *flies into Helicarrier*

Nora: Alright! Nice moves, Falcon!

Neo: Well, Weiss, I'd say that was pretty smart.

Winter: Impressive strategy. Especially under such a high-stress situation.

With that, he quickly approached the computer board and replaced his chip.

Sam: I'm in. Bravo locked. *flies out of carrier*

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