8 - Wins and Losses (The Avengers)

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(START AT 2:50)

Fury ran onto the bridge and took up his position at the command station.

Fury: Bring the carrier inwards and head south. Take us to the water.

Helmsman: We're flying blind. Navigation recalibrating after the engine failure.

Ozpin: *sighs* This may be the problem with becoming over-reliant on technology.

Ironwood: *concerned* Indeed. I've even noticed some of my pilots seem to be struggling with basic navigation.

Winter: I will arrange a schedule to have them all reevaluated and tested to make sure their navigation, sir. *Ironwood nods*

Fury: Is the sun coming up?!

Helmsman: Yes, sir.

Fury: Then put it on the left! Get us over water! One more turbine goes down and we drop.

Everyone laughed at this.

Yang: Oh, man. I love how Fury takes charge.

Coco: Is that a real way to navigate, though?

Penny: Affirmative! The sun rises in the East and sets in the West! So, by putting the sun on the ship's Port side, you would then be facing South.

Blake smirked, looking to Ren and Yang.

Blake: And that's!

She said in her best impression of Profess- I mean, DOCTOR Oobleck!

Ren & Yang: Good to Know!

Captain America pulled open a door, opening to a small walkway that lead to the blown out section of the ship's Portside. Several techs were dragging out an injured man, their faces covered with oxygen masks. The engine had nearly been completely destroyed, a large section of the ship had completely been blown apart, it was a miracle the ship was still in the air.

Steve moved to the edge and tried to contact Tony.

Steve: Stark, I'm here!

Tony: *flies in* Good. See what we got.

He then scanned the damaged area, looking at the layout and schematics of the engine as well as where the damage was.

Tony: I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris.

He then pushed in a dislodged rotor, before looking over to Steve.

Steve: I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position.

Neo: *uncertain* Yeah, that's... totally something he'd know how to do.

Nora: I'm already confused.

RWBY reacts to the MCUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें