5 - Surprises and Solutions (Captain America: The Winter Soilder)

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The trio sat in the back of a van as Steve recounted his encounter with his former friend.

Steve: It was him. He looked right at me like he didn't even know me.

Weiss: I still can't believe he's alive after all that.

Blake: Well, Zola was experimenting on him, right? Maybe that had something to do with it?

Pyrrha: I find it more shocking that they've managed to turn him into such a ruthless murder machine. Bucky was
never like that before.

Coco: Yeah. And he didn't even remember Steve. Or even his own name. How is that possible?

Penny: It's possible that through all of the trauma he's experienced, his brain has forcefully forgotten certain things about his past, or even that remind him of his past, in order to save itself from the pain and trauma.

Ironwood: And there's several methods of brainwashing, such as hypnosis, they could have used to mold him into what
he is now. Or the obvious options of torture and medications that could make him susceptible to suggestions or being given orders with little way to rationalize what he's being told or to resist it.

Emerald: *concerned* Should we be concerned you know this stuff?

Sam: How's that even possible? It was like 70 years ago.

Steve: Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky
survive the fall.

Blake gave Weiss a cocky smile at
this, who rolled her eyes in response.

Steve: They must have found him and...

He trailed off at the end, not wanting to imagine what they did to his friend and he couldn't help.

Nat: None of that's your fault, Steve.

Steve: *remorseful* Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.

Ruby: *sad* That's so sad.

Qrow: *sympathetic* Yeah. It's tough when you've only got a few people
willing to look out for you. And it hurts more than anything to lose those people.

He remembered how Raven used to be
one of the only members of their tribe to support him and treat him decently, then having Team STRQ later on made him truly feel like he belonged. Then Raven left. That had hurt a lot, but he was almost as crushed as Tai was when Summer disappeared. And the strain in his relationship with Tai also weighed heavily on him. If it wasn't for his nieces, he would've been completely miserable and would've probably drank himself to death.

Sam then noticed Natasha was bleeding from her shoulder and looked at the guards.

Sam: We need to get a doctor here. We don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck.

Cinder: Not to be mean or anything, but why does he think they care? He must know they aren't going to be keeping
them alive and taking them in. They were fully prepare to execute them back there. The only reason they didn't was because of civilians.

Winter: That's a good point. But maybe he's just hoping at least one of these two agents are decent enough to follow proper protocol. He was a soldier, after all. He's probably still expecting people to work like he would. I certainly would.

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