3 - The Escape (Iron Man)

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The scene soon shifted to Tony's head being shoved into the water as a form of torture for refusing to help them build a replica of the Jericho missile.

Ruby: *fearfully* Oh no! Tony!

Weiss: *horrified* What are they doing to them?!

Qrow: *grimly* Waterboarding, a form of torture. They make you feel like you're drowning without actually killing you.

Living in a bandit tribe for most of his life, Qrow had learned many forms of torture. And he wished he forgot all of them.

After briefly pulling Tony back out, the terrorists push him back to the water again, causing the wires on the embedded electromagnet to get wet, which resulted in it buzzing and surging electricity thru both the water and Tony, causing the billionaire to violently convulse.

Yang: Those damn bastards! Let him go!

Winter: Unfortunately, they are called extremists for a reason. They are willing to cross the line to get what they want.

Blake: That's why I wanted to stop the White Fang. They were willing to go farther than they could ever justify.

After a long amount of torture, Tony was dragged through a dark corridor with a sac covering his view. He was brought out of the cave they were in. Tony was then brought down a ramp. The sac was then removed from Tony's head, causing him to get disoriented by the sudden brightness of the sun after being kept inside the dark cave for so long. Eventually, everything returned to normal and Tony was able to see his surroundings. He was in a terrorist camp, surrounded by mountains. There were several straw and wood stalls strewn about, housing all types of weapons: guns, grenades, rockets, missiles, etc. People were yelling and herding around these stalls.

Ruby: *worried* T-that's a lot of weapons.

Winter: *disgust* With that large amount of weapons at their disposal, they could take over a small city.

Tony staggered a bit and struggled to follow the leader of his captors and stay ahead of the ones behind him while carrying the battery powering his magnet. He looked around, trying to find out where he was or find some familiar landmark. But while he was looking, he noticed the weapons in the stalls and what was printed on the side of them: Stark Industries.

Weiss: *shivers* It's all just similar to the White Fang using Schnee Dust for their bombs and taking the paladins as well.

Yang: *sympathetic* It was rough having your weapons turned against you, huh? *Weiss nods*

While being led through the camp, Tony just stared at the weapons he created to be used against these people, confused and wondering how they got them. Soon, the leader spoke to him and was translated by the doctor who was with Tony in the cave.

???: He wants you to know what you think.

Tony: I think you got a lot of my weapons.

Qrow: He's not wrong.

Blake: But he shouldn't have those weapons! He shouldn't be within miles of any of them!

Soon the leader spoke once again, with the doctor translating for Tony.

???: He says they have everything you need to build the Jericho missile. He wants you to make the list of materials. He says for you to start working immediately, and when you're done, he will set you free.

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