6 - Rose Hill (Iron Man 3)

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Qrow: So Tony's got some help, but that doesn't mean he's out of the woods yet. 

Yang: Right. He has to get to the bottom of this Rose Hill thing. 

Cinder: And do it while trying to stay under the radar of the bad guys so he doesn't lose the element of surprise. 

Glynda: Not to mention, I doubt Tony being dead is going to do much to stop the Mandarin.

Emerald: And what if he has another panic attack? 

Ruby: *worried* Oh, man. I don't like this. There's too much going on! How's Tony gonna handle this? 

Blake: By staying strong and smart. *smiles* That's what he always does. 

Neo: *hopeful* I just hope there's some action this time. 

Nora: Same! 

Back at Tony's house, which was now surrounded by emergency rescue and news reporters, Pepper stood alone and looked out across the ocean. She saw one of Tony's shattered Iron Man helmets and pulled it towards her, her forehead resting against the helmet. She saw a red flashing light inside the helmet and as she put the helmet on, she received the message Tony had left her earlier.

Ruby: Oh, good. She knows Tony's alive now. 

Emerald: Yeah, but she's not gonna like what the message has to say. 

Ozpin: She'll understand. He tried to destroy her and Tony both. She must recognize the threat and knows that Tony must end it. 

Female AI Voice: Stark Secure Server. Retinal scan: Verified." The female computer voice acknowledged.

Tony: Pepper, it's me. Pepper gasps, smiles* I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So first off, I'm so sorry I put you in harm's way. That was selfish and stupid and it won't happen again. 

Weiss: *unsure* Knowing him, that will be quite difficult. 

Blake: He's a superhero, danger comes with his job. It did even back when he was a weapons dealer. 

Glynda: What ultimately matters is that he prepares and comes up with things that can protect himself and Pepper. They have more than enough of everything else in their life, the main thing they need now is security. 


Later that night, Pepper was driving Maya home. 

Potts: Why were you at the house tonight? What was so important that you had to speak to Tony? 

Maya took a beat to answer, but finally did. 

Maya: I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin. So if you still want to talk about it, I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe. 

Pyrrha: Is there any place that's safe from the Mandarin. He wasn't afraid to attack a superhero's house. I wouldn't want to think of what other lengths he's willing to go to. 

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