Chapter 74

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One of the good things about the house we bought was that it was only a little over an hour away from our friends' houses. When the party finally wound down, we got into my trusty truck and got on the road. We'd already done the honeymoon thing, but I was fully planning on consummating my marriage with my wife. My wife! Holy fuck did it feel great to say that!

We still had a lot to do, the house was barely furnished after all, and we needed to find a good car for Amber to drive while pregnant, but we were happy and married and that was all I needed for now. "Did you decide on a room?" I asked while I ran my hand up Amber's thigh as we drove north along Route 3 towards Boston. Our goal was to break in every room in the house, just so we'd have naughty memories everywhere. We still had a long way to go, but we knew it would be fun getting there.

"The master bedroom first," she decided softly, sounding all sweet and innocent. "I want to relax for our first time as a married couple. "But then you're going to take me to the cellar and fuck me against the wall." Yeah, that innocent side went away quickly. "After that, I want you to take me from behind on the stairway up to the loft, and then I'll be on my knees sucking you off in the den in front of the fireplace."

Damn, my wife was in a mood! Luckily, so was I, even though it was hard to drive now that she'd stirred me up and made me hard enough to saw a log in half. "I guess you have the rest of our night planned!"

"Damn right I do," she agreed. "We're gonna have a good time."

I couldn't disagree with that, but I didn't want to be all worked up the entire way home. "How about you open the wedding gifts while we drive and see how crazy our friends are." It would be easy to open them, as there were simply three envelopes, one each from Lynn and Amy, our friends on the cape, and finally my mom. "Do Lynn's first so I know if I have to kick her ass." I'd specifically told her not to go overboard because I wanted her to save her trust fund money for a house to live in with Amy. Yes, they might be planning to move close to us if they could find a place. They'd already contacted Paula about it too.

Amber snickered, because I knew she understood what I meant. We missed being away from the pair, so we would love it if they lived close again so we could all hang out more. She slid her fingernail under the envelope's seal and then pulled out several pieces of paper. "Damn, they're so sweet, and they didn't go overboard. They got us some gift certificates for restaurants near our house so it will be easy to have date nights."

"And I bet they're all places we haven't gone to yet, right?" Amy and Lynn loved finding new places to eat, since their lack of cooking skills meant that they ate out so much, and I would assume they would send us to find new places too.

"You're right. None of them are even in Hingham, so we'll get to do some exploring." She put the gift certificates back in the envelope, and then picked the other two up. "Do you have a preference on the other ones?"

"Well, you know Harper, Kate, Kenley, Shiloh and the rest probably went nuts, but we might as well see just how nuts." I was almost dreading it, because they had already done so much, and I felt like we'd never be able to repay them enough. But then again, they always said we didn't need to worry about that, even if we felt like we did. As always, we just determined that somehow, we would pay it forward, and spread the support to others like they had for us.

"I'm almost afraid to do it, but here we go." Amber took a deep breath, then opened their envelope. "Holy fuck."

"Do I even want to know?" I knew it would be something good, but I was afraid they'd gone overboard.

"It's a cashiers' check for $30,000. The note says it's for new furniture, and a combination wedding present and housewarming gift, and we're not allowed to even think about not using it," Amber said softly. "They're so damn nice, I can't believe it. I'd tell you to turn around so we can give them more hugs and thanks, but I really need you to fuck me, so keep driving!"

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