Chapter 11

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Every day that Shay worked, I got on my bike and brought her a treat. I still couldn't get the cones to her, since that would be too hard for her to eat, but I got her random flavors in cups. After the first she was in tears, and then the second time, she was again, because then she realized that this was going to be a new habit of mine. Did I feel really good about making her days better? Hell yes. She had made my life change for the good, and I was more than happy to return the favor.

The best part about the ice cream stops? Every single time she'd called me princess again, and I think my heart grew wings whenever she did. It was also adorable to feed her the ice cream spoonful by spoonful, as I watched her eyes sparkle each time that she had a mouthful of whatever flavor I'd picked. When it was finally time for our shopping trip, we got a nice and early start to get there when the mall opened.

"Which of these do you want?" Shay asked as she ran her fingers over the lacy undies in the Victoria's Secret.

I pointed over to the Pink section, where they were having a nice sale. "Over there. Nothing fancy, just comfy cotton ones that are on sale."

"And the bras?" she wondered.

"Same. Whatever is on sale." I couldn't afford to be picky and get the hot ones.

"That isn't very exciting," she commented. "But I'll probably just be getting some of their sports bras, so who am I to talk? I prefer boxers over the panties, and I'll just get those online since they don't have them here." I'd heard her mention the boxers before, and I bet she looked great in them. Not that I imagined that. A lot. Like, really a lot.

The bras were simple, though when the nice salesperson measured me, she found out that I'd gone up to a 32B and I would have to replace more bras than I expected. With my limited budget, I could only get two at the moment. But, once I started working, I could afford a couple more, so I guess that worked. With the underwear on sale, I could get ten pairs of those plus the bras, and it would still leave me $60 to use at the thrift shop. Hopefully that would let me find a few things there too, and then I could revisit once I started getting a paycheck. Honestly, the ice cream trips were coming out of my savings or maybe I could have dipped into that for some more money too.

"It may not be exciting, but it's the best I can do."

"Let me buy them for you," she whispered as I looked over the bras. She was standing right behind me, and close enough to me that I could feel her breath lightly tickling my ear. "You smell delicious by the way. Is that a new body wash?"

I turned around, hearing the sincerity in her voice. "No. You need to save for college. I'm not letting you spend money on me, Shay. I'll be making my own soon, so I'll be fine. I have a college fund, so anything I make at the gym I can use for clothes." I didn't mention the part about me smelling good, but I inwardly thanked myself for switching to all of the bubblegum scented products for her. If she said something more about it, I thought I might melt on the spot.

She let out a deep breath, but then nodded. "Okay, but I feel bad. You've been so nice with the ice cream that I feel like I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything, I promise." I did have a sudden idea though. "How about you help me pick out the colors though?" I realized that might have been very forward, but she had been calling me princess, and I really liked her and maybe someday I'd want her to see me in them. Not yet, I wasn't in a rush to have sex, but if there was ever someone that I'd want it with, it would be Shay.

Her eyes widened in surprise, then she broke into a smile. "Absolutely." She wandered around the display, and I showed her the styles I liked, which were the boy shorts and hipsters, and she got to work. She picked out five of each, and every one of them had black as a base. I was sensing a pattern.

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