Chapter 21

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By the 4th, I was in great spirits. No, my mom still wasn't going to AA meetings, which I'd hoped for, but she had been sober since our last talk, and that was so much better than our normal life from the last four years that I couldn't complain too much. Things with Shay hadn't changed, which was both good and bad. I'd never complain about having such a wonderful friend who I could seemingly talk to anything about. Well, except for the fact that we still weren't together, and I desperately wanted to be as I got older. But whatever was holding her back wasn't changing, and there wasn't much I could do about it. I had to assume, based on his reaction when he found me with her, that her father was still a major homophobe, and just wouldn't let her live her life.

Lynn seemed to be hit or miss. She had seemed to hate our lifestyle too, but was best buddies with Nicky, who wasn't shy about being out and lesbian, and several others in their friend group were as well. Maybe it was all fine unless it was in your family. The weird thing was, when she was in classes away from the others, she seemed like a normal person, but I still didn't trust her. How much longer did I have to wait for things to change? Shay would be a senior in the fall, but then would be in college, and I wasn't sure if she would have to stay with them for that, or if she could afford to move out.

Every time I thought about it, it drove me nuts. Hell, I didn't even know where she wanted to go to school. She was smart, I knew that, but how much of a scholarship could she get? Like me, she did no sports, so that wouldn't help. She looked like a great athlete, but according to her she couldn't participate since her parents refused to sign any of the permission slips. On the other hand, Lynn was a cheerleader, and they had no issues with that.

Yeah, that was a another little annoying thing about her parents.

When the time came, I tried to look good for the party. I knew I'd be in the pool, and that it would all wash off, but I did get all my bubblegum scented shampoos, soaps and sprays on, then put on just a little bit of blush. I put nothing on my eyes, I didn't feel like looking like a raccoon later, and then I slipped on my new bikini. I'd stuck to my plan and gotten a black one, but it wasn't too skimpy, just enough to tease Shay when I wore it around her. If it made her drool a little, I'd be happy. I covered up with jean shorts and a simple white tee shirt.

Once I felt like I was ready, I headed downstairs. "Mom, I'm headed over to a 4th of July party. I should be back before dark, and I can cook for you if you want to wait."

My mom was happily eating a sandwich and shook her head. "Stay out as long as you like. Maybe it's time I made my own dinner."

I wasn't going to argue, but I still planned to be back by 7pm unless something really good happened with Shay. As much as I wanted that though, I knew that probably wouldn't happen. My mom would get a good meal if I had anything to say about it.

I got my bike out of the garage and hopped on. I was still going the long way so that beyond Shay nobody knew I was on the other side of the wall, and with my bike it only took a few minutes. When I got there, I could hear a lot of happy yelling from the back yard, but I rang the doorbell anyway, not wanting to be rude by walking around when I wasn't sure what my status was in this group.

I was happy that the door was answered by Shay, and her eyes widened as she smiled at seeing me. "I was beginning to think you might not show."

"Nah. This is the only chance I have to see you on a day off," I pointed off. "Besides, I figured I can give them a shot. Some of the people your sister is hanging out with now used to be my friends in elementary school, and I'm hoping they could be again if Nicky isn't as bad as normal."

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