Chapter 34

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"What the fuck are you doing?" growled Nicky.

"We're eating lunch," I replied quickly, holding up a grape. "Want one? They might be sour enough for you."

"Fuck off!" She swiveled her head to glare at Shay. "Gail doesn't just lay there, and she doesn't smell like a dog!"

"A wet dog," corrected Shay with a snicker. "And how do you know? Did you sleep with her?" Both Nicky and Gail flushed crimson, and Nicky just stammered while Shay crowed. "Holy crap, you did!"

"You cheating bitch!" yelled Willow, striding towards Nicky, only to be restrained by Leigh. "You said you were just paying her money! You seriously had sex too?"

"Oh? Paying people to lie and spread rumors? Well, you obviously paid Gail with more than that," Shay said loudly. "How many others have been paid off by these girls?" She looked around the cafeteria as several hands went up.

"I was!" spoke up Maddie quickly as she stepped away from the group. "They paid me $200 and promised to get me onto the cheerleading team next year if I dated Amber, and then broke her heart. They don't even have a good reason, they've just been bullying her for years! I'm so sorry I ever listened to them."

"They pay me to do homework and hang out with them," Joy added after a moment of hesitation. She mouthed 'sorry' at me, and I just nodded in return. She had been a good friend in elementary school, and I was happy she finally said something. I didn't expect to have her suddenly be a friend again, but it was a step.

"They paid me to let them cheat off my test," called out a random guy from behind us.

I saw Lynn open her mouth, as though she were going to add something, but then Leigh smacked her arm, and she shut up. I didn't have much pity for her though, just based on what Shay had told me about how she'd acted in the past. But it looked like there was a crack forming between her and the other two.

"Me too!" chimed in another.

Soon, lots of people were speaking up, showing just how much they were doing. Everything from schoolwork to spreading rumors about me and Shay, to trying to look popular, they were willing to buy it all. The entire time, Nicky looked around at everyone spilling her secrets, and she turned redder and redder in anger.

"Damn Nicky, what do you even do on your own, besides some stupid middle school name calling? I mean, picking on me for my dad dying seems pretty stupid in hindsight. You couldn't even find a good reason?" I just shook my head in disdain at these pathetic bitches. "Did you just need an outlet for your anger or something?"

"You stole my horse!" she yelled at me, as her composure completely left her. The cafeteria went completely quiet, as we all tried to figure out what that even meant.

"What horse? I didn't even know you had a horse. I sure as hell never took one!" I said in confusion. "Was it a toy or something?"

"No! You asshole! My dad was going to buy me a horse in Kentucky and get it in the races! But your stupid dad had to die, and we had to pay for the lawsuit!" Nicky was screaming at me now, with spittle flying from her mouth. Leigh grabbed her arm, dragging her back to shut her up, but the damage had been done.

I stood up, leaning over the table towards her. "Are you telling me that one of your dad's trucks is the one that killed my father, and so you've been making me miserable for the last five years because the company had to take responsibility for that instead of buying a little damn pony?" Everyone knew that her dad owned a delivery business, but I never knew it was one of his trucks that killed my father.

"You're really a sick asshole," Shay said, standing up next to me. "You're the most entitled bitch I think I've ever heard of. What kind of reason is that?"

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