Chapter 38

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TW - Attempted sexual assault (Sorry in advance!)


"Are you ready to go back to school?" Shay whispered to me as we stood at the bus stop the Monday after spring break. It was an awkward morning, as Lynn, Nicky and Leigh were taking the bus now too. Evidently their rides to school had been taken away in addition to their other punishments, and they looked completely miserable. It wasn't even that cold anymore, though we still wore light jackets, but they would have been popsicles back in January. I almost felt bad for Lynn, as she was standing on her own. Leigh and Nicky were glaring at her, as though trying to get her back with them, but it was equally obvious that Lynn didn't want to go there but had nobody else to stand with. After knowing what she'd said and done to Shay over the years, I wasn't going to suggest she come hang with us, because that was going to have to be Shay's decision. Strangely, Shay mentioned that Lynn had been nicer lately, even apologizing a few times, but it was hard to tell if she was serious, or it was yet another set up.

               "Yeah, I needed to get out of the house," I replied with a shudder. I'd gone home the previous morning, to make sure we didn't get caught in the house together, and last night my mom's new guy was at it again. The man sounded like a grunting pig, and I had no idea why my mom kept letting him come over.

               "I'm sorry, princess. I know it sucks right now. Maybe your mom will get better again, and we'll get her into rehab or something." Shay put her arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. "When school is out, I can try to help more too, okay? Maybe we can work on getting her clean when there isn't as much school to deal with."

               I pivoted and wrapped my arms around her back, burying my face in her neck. "Thanks Shay. I could use the help." I had to fight the tears at the thought of getting help with my mom, because I really did need it. I wasn't sure how much longer I could do it on my own and not get down on myself at the lack of results. Damn, I really loved everything about Shay! Did that mean I loved her? I thought it did, but was I rushing my feelings again?

               I better sit on that for a bit. There was no reason to go fast and blurt that out, right?

               Regardless, I knew how I was feeling, even if I wasn't prepared to admit it fully. I had a little intuition that I knew how Shay felt too, but she wasn't saying anything either. Right now, I was content to know, even if we weren't vocal about it.

               The next two months leading up to finals were some of my favorites in school. I was acing all my tests, understanding all the homework, enjoying lunch with my amazing girlfriend, who kept treating me like her princess, and not having to deal with the girls because they were on a short leash. I knew that the finals would be tough, but manageable, and then I'd be ready for a strange summer.

I was going to be out of school but working, while Shay would be doing online college courses already, while also working. But she was planning to do the courses from my house, so that she could make sure my mom was doing okay when I was at work, and we'd keep a much better eye on her working together. If we could keep her grunting man away from her, even better, because my mom was looking really rough lately, and I was worried. She was barely eating and shuffled around like a zombie whenever I saw her in the afternoons or evenings. I wanted to take her to the doctor, but she flat out refused.

               I just needed to get through finals first, and I was incredibly eager about that so that I could get to the summer and spend more time with Shay. I stayed up late doing some last minute reviews the night before the first one, my Chemistry final, happy that the house was quiet after the grunting man had thankfully gone silent an hour beforehand. When I was done, it was a little after midnight, and I knew I'd be tired the next day, but I usually didn't need a ton of sleep, so it should be okay.

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