Chapter 17

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Shay's POV

It had been a good first day of school, if only because I had my princess back, though only as a friend. But it was the best I could hope for under the circumstances of our lives, and I'd have to live with it for now. Until I was able to get a place of my own, and try to explain everything to Amber, having her as a part of my life in any capacity would be good enough. I know I could have explained it now, but I was terrified to see her reaction, and so far nobody had been anything other than disgusted at that knowledge.

I just prayed that I wouldn't lose her to someone else in the meantime.

The problem was that she was just too amazing. I was more than happy to keep Nicky off her back, but maybe that would also make it easier for someone else to date her while I didn't have that freedom. The thought of her being with another girl churned my stomach, but I didn't know what else to do. I already hurt her once, because I couldn't control myself around her, and if I did it again, I'd probably give up any chance of having a chance with her. But I desperately wanted to date her when I was finally able.

The bus ride home had been nice. I'd made sure to keep space between myself and Amber, and just kept the discussion to pleasantries about her first day. Assuming my father didn't change his attitude, I just had to keep it up for a few years, and everything would be fine, right? Damn, who was I kidding? I could tell I was going to lose her to someone else, and I couldn't even blame her.

Once I was home after getting off the bus and I walked in the front door, I wasn't the least bit shocked to see Lynn and Nicky already there since Nicky's mom had probably given them a ride back. I was mildly surprised that Leigh wasn't with them, but that was a good thing. I ignored the pair and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Hopefully I could disappear into my room and ignore the two of them. But such was not the case today.

"So, you and Triple D, eh?" Nicky said as she came into the kitchen, leaning against the counter and thrusting her tiny breasts towards me like I was supposed to be impressed. Hell, Amber's were already much nicer than those! "You gonna give her the big D and make her Quad D?"

I put my glass of water down and walked closer to her. She smirked at me, like she thought I was coming to kiss her or something and was surprised when I gave her a quick punch to the left eye instead. She stumbled backwards into the wall, then slid down onto the floor while holding her eye and starting to sob. I crouched down in front of her and lifted her chin so she could look me in the face. "Have you ever heard of Pavlov's dogs?"

"What?" she whimpered.

"Pavlov and his dogs, have you ever heard of them?" I repeated.

"Ahh, yeah? I think so?" Her crying had been replaced by confusion, but that was okay. I hadn't hit her too hard, so it might not even give her a black eye.

"Good. His idea was that he would ring a bell every time he fed the dogs, until they were conditioned to salivate whenever the bell rang. You're a bitch, so maybe I can train the same way. Every time you pick on Amber, or bully her, or I even think you're disrespecting her, I'm going to pop you in the eye. We'll see how long it takes before you stop acting like that, okay? You've already been doing it for four years, and I think you've hit the limit. Stop. Now."

"What the hell did you do?" Lynn cried out as she entered the kitchen and took in the scene.

"I was just having a little talk with your charming little bitch of a friend," I told her as I stood up. "By the way, dad knows you told her, just like you told Eloise back in New York, so you might want to cool it with that unless you want to move again." Really, I just wanted her to stop, because now that I found Amber, I didn't want to leave ever again, so this was a bit of a bluff that should hopefully work as she was just so self-centered.

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