Chapter 43

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"This place is unbelievable!" Shay said in an awestruck whisper as we drove with Amy along the row of gorgeous oceanside homes out on Cape Cod. "Don't hit anything, you'll have to sell an organ to pay for it!"

I was too busy looking around at the houses to care. The beach was to the left, with giant houses to the right, and the sun was shining while the wind blew through the open sunroof of Amy's little Camry. My mom was still unconscious, but the doctors said that she was reacting well to the medicine, her bloodwork and organs were looking better, and they were hoping that she would wake up in another next week or two. There would still be a long way to go after that, but it would be a good first step.

Which was worrying me. 

I didn't want to explain what happened to her, assuming she didn't remember, but I guess I had to. I had no idea how she would react, knowing what she'd been through. I was also worried that she might not be better, that the drugs and alcohol would still be affecting her. Or maybe she'd refuse to go to rehab, or who knew what else might happen. With all that swirling through my mind, I needed this break. Thank God that Harper and all the others out here had invited us.

"It should be a good time up here," I replied. "It will be nice to have a little get away." Neither Shay nor I had been on one in ages, and we needed it. I looked over at Shay, who was fiddling with her new necklace, a golden dragonfly, with multi-hued wings of amethyst, garnet and sapphire. It was her graduation present, and had set me back quite a bit, but it matched the dragonflies on the dress she bought me back when we first met, and I couldn't resist. It didn't hurt that dragonflies were symbols of hope, change and love, because that was what I had with Shay. "Are we in the right place?" The houses looked monstrous, and while I knew Harper probably had money, we weren't even going to her house.

Amy suddenly turned into the driveway of one of the larger homes, and then parked. "Yep! This is the place!" She turned off the engine and got out. "Come on lazy butts!"

I got out of the car, and looked up, noticing the house was so fancy it even had a deck on the roof, and I was a little bit in awe. This was crazy! If we were really staying here, this was going to be a hell of a mini vacation. I got my duffel out of the trunk, it had all of the clothes that Shay and I would need, but then Shay grabbed it before I could put it over my shoulder.

"My princess doesn't have to carry anything," she told me with a smirk. "I got this."

I gave her a little wink. "Well, then perhaps I could be carried too, since I'm such a princess."

She didn't even blink, but just leaned down and threw me over her shoulder while still carrying the duffel bag, and marched towards the front door, where a laughing Amy was waiting for us. "Damn, you two are too cute. Now, don't be scared in there, okay? This is Harper's best friend's house, and she is an awesome woman. She's gay like us, and has a couple kids with her wife, so don't feel like you have to hide anything. PDA will be all over the place, trust me." She reached out, and rang the doorbell, and we heard yelling from the inside.

I'd already gathered that from when Harper called it lesbian paradise, but it was still nice to get a second opinion. "Sounds like our kind of place." I really couldn't wait to meet them. I hadn't been to a beach other than the one I could ride my bike to in years, and I'd never been on a boat or fishing, so this was going to be fun!

The door was opened by Kate, who had a drink of some sort in her hand, and she beamed when she saw us. "Yes! I was hoping you'd make it here soon! Come on in, we need more women!"

"You do not!" yelled a man's laughing voice from somewhere in the house. "I'm already outnumbered!"

Kate snickered, then led the way into the gorgeous house. There were giant windows everywhere, and people moving all over. I could see Gloria, her hand on her little baby bump, sitting and waving from a couch where she was talking to the guy that I assumed had just yelled. Harper was in the kitchen with two other women, both gorgeous, and an assortment of kids, including a baby being held by the unknown blonde in the kitchen.

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