Chapter 20

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"Why am I thinking about going to this party?" I asked Shay as we rode home later that day.

She turned to me with a big grin. "Because you want to see me?"

"Obviously," I said with a snort. That really was the only reason, because we didn't look to have a lot of time together unless her family went away. "But do you think they've really changed?"

"No chance. All three of them are bitches, and I can't imagine the other girls they've invited are going to be any better. On the good side, my parents will be home and they said no to inviting any guys, so this should mostly be pizza and swimming. You can always make a break for it if they're assholes, and I can still punch Nicky."

"I still feel like an idiot for doing it though." 

We rode on in silence for a bit before Shay cleared her throat a little awkwardly. "Are you going to go swimming at the party?"

My face burned at the question, and I couldn't answer for a moment. Was she wanting to see me in my new bathing suit? Nobody had yet since I hadn't worn it other than in the changing room at the mall when I bought it. The last time I'd been in her pool was also the kissing incident, and I wouldn't mind recreating that if it had a better aftermath.

But I was still waiting for her to make the first move. She was the one who said that she couldn't give me what I wanted, and until that changed, I couldn't do much. Would it be wrong to show off a little to let her see what she was missing? I wasn't naïve about how I looked, my body was filling out in a way that had caught her eye a lot, and she would almost certainly notice.

"I'll probably take a dip, yeah. Will you?"

She snorted. "Nope. I was already told by my parents that I wasn't allowed to get in the pool near all the girls. It's not my party." Shay was definitely bitter about that, but who wouldn't be? She couldn't even swim in her own pool on the 4th of July. Her parents sucked.

"Then I won't either. That doesn't seem fair at all." I didn't like her having to be the only one out of the pool.

"No, no. Don't say that. I don't want you to miss out on the pool just because of me."

I sighed as I kept pedaling along the street. The situation sucked, but even with Shay not in the pool, I had a chance to see her when I normally wouldn't. That was something I had to go for, because while I liked these bike rides, being able to be in a more relaxed atmosphere might be a good thing. "Fine. But you better be able to hang out when I'm not in the pool, okay?"

She started chuckling as she rode along next to me. "So, you're coming for me, huh?"

The innuendo wasn't lost on me, and I decided to play along with her. "You know I'd be happy to do that if you ever gave me a chance."

I thought she might steer right off the road as her head snapped to the side, and I couldn't help but laugh at her. "That wasn't nice!" she complained as she settled back down on the bike.

"Oh? And your comment was? You're not supposed to flirt with me, it isn't fair."

The sound of cars driving by and our tires on the asphalt were the only sound for a few minutes. We were almost home at this point, and she'd be turning to her street while I kept going to mine. "I'm sorry," she finally said. "I can't help it sometimes, and I really wish it were different." That was all she had time for before she turned down her street. I turned in a circle, watching her ride away as tears pricked my eyes. I really hated this situation, and I'd lost count of the number of times I'd said she was worth waiting for. But I'd keep at it, I couldn't imagine wanting to be with anyone else.

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