Chapter 39

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At times like this, I really wished that Shay had her phone, but until she was 18 and got her own, that wasn't happening thanks to her dad. I know, you can't sign a legal contract till you're 18 and all, but it still sucked. I sent her an email, but I doubted that she'd have a chance to check it before school. When the police and paramedics had arrived at the house, they took the bloody grunty man away. He was still alive, though barely, and then a nice lady police officer made sure I got dressed and then another ambulance was there to take me and my mom to the hospital too.

               The doctors and nurses had all fussed with me while the police had taken my statement, and now I had too much time to think. I wasn't that bad physically, mostly a lot of bumps and bruises, a small cut on my eyebrow that I didn't even know had been there, and my neck was killing me.  But several of the bruises on my body were in the shape of hand and finger marks, and I couldn't look at them without feeling nauseous. I was terrified to look in the mirror to see the hand marks on my throat that I knew were there. But worst of all, my mom was a mess. She was unresponsive and the paramedics had found needle track marks on the back of her legs from injections that looked to have been happening for a few months. I'd been sitting her down in the shower on a stool when I helped clean her, so I'd never seen them, but it made me sick that I'd never noticed the signs. I had no idea what was going to happen to her, but I had a feeling she'd be in the hospital for a long time.

               I sat there in the hospital bed, unsure of what to do next. I had finals today, but it was already time to wake up to go to school, and I didn't know how to get there from here, or if they'd even let me out. The police had already questioned me, and while I knew that the guy I'd stabbed was alive, I had no idea of his condition or who he was. He might end up being grunty guy to me forever. Did I need a lawyer? Could I be in trouble? It was self-defense, right? The police never said anything about a crime, so I assumed so, but I really didn't know.

               I finally made a desperate call to Gloria, because while she had mentioned her lawyer friend could help me before, I never got the lawyer's name or number. "Good morning, Amber!" Gloria sounded wide awake considering the early time, but I knew I was probably about to ruin her day.

               "Gloria, I need some help," I choked out, doing my best not to break down. I tried, but couldn't keep it together, and she was the first friend I'd been able to talk to since everything happened.

               Her voice dropped an octave, and I knew she could tell I was struggling to talk. "What's going on? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

               "I was attacked at my house. A guy that was with my mom came after me in my bedroom when he was done with her. I'm ok, but he's not. I stabbed him, and I don't know if I'm in trouble or not." I couldn't explain it fully, I was too emotional and exhausted. "I need to go to school for finals too, but I don't know if I can leave, and all my school stuff is at home."

               "Where are you?" she asked quickly. I could hear her moving around and calling out to Kate in the background. "I'm in the hospital, Roger Williams, room 328."

               "Okay. You stay there, and if any police come back, you tell them you don't want to talk until your lawyer gets there, okay? Kate and I will be on the way as soon as we can, and we'll bring Harper, our lawyer friend, with us. Just sit tight for a couple of hours. Don't worry about school either, we'll take care of all that."

               I felt about 100 pounds lighter, and just cried harder. I had the best bosses in the world. Hell, they were amazing friends, I shouldn't even call them bosses at this point. "Thank you so much!" I blubbered. "Please hurry!"

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