Chapter 57

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               "This is going to be so boring!" Lynn complained as we made our way to our first class on our first day of college. "Why are we doing this?"

"We're being responsible young adults," I replied with a grimace. Like me, Lynn had no idea what she wanted to do once she graduated, so she was hoping one of her classes would inspire her. We were just doing some basic college courses that we'd need for almost any major, but Lynn was also taking a Psych class while I was taking a Philosophy class. Owen had recommended that, saying he'd enjoyed it when he went to college back in California.

"I hate being responsible," Lynn grumbled. "I can't imagine that four more years of school is going to prepare me for much."

I shrugged as we entered the classroom, and we found some seats next to one another, hoping that it would be bearable. "I just hope I can figure out what I want to do. I feel bad, because Shay is so motivated, and I know she wants to get into Finance, but I have no ideas for myself."

"Same. Hell, Amy just started going to school at night. I guess she wants to get a degree and get into some business marketing. Gloria has been giving her all kinds of tips, so she'll probably get good recommendations. Are we just going to be living on their coattails?"

"Nope." I shook my head rapidly. "Don't think like that, okay? Money isn't everything in a relationship. We all bring different things to it, so you just have to decide what you want to do to make things even on your part. Like, I love to cook, and I always do a lot of the housework while Shay is stuck on the bigger school assignments. But then she always surprises me with ice cream and little treats. I don't plan on just being a housewife though, at a minimum I'll keep working at the gym. Oh, and we both love snuggles. I'm sure you do a lot for Amy too, or you wouldn't still be living with her, right?"

"Does my trust fund count?" she asked dejectedly. "Seriously though, sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose her cuz I'm just a kid who has no idea what to do with her life, and she is already working towards another career. I can't just say I bring sex to the table, because that will never last. I finally got my mind in a better place where I can be a good sister and friend and girlfriend, but now my personal goals seem empty."

I nudged her with my elbow, making her look at me. When she did, I could see the unshed tears, and I grabbed her hand, holding it softly. "I used to think that Shay would never want to be with me because I was too young too, and look at us now. Have you talked to Amy about this? Because I guarantee you that she probably sees things in you that you don't see in yourself. Your sister and I had issues talking about things at first, but once we developed that trust, and knew we could talk about anything, then it all became easier. Talk to Amy. She loves you, Lynn. I mean really loves you. This isn't some high school crush, because she has been looking for a while and has had some bad dates and felt down about finding love. But she fell for you in no time, and I know you did the same with her."

She nodded slowly, a small smile on her face. "Yeah. Okay, I can ask her. Thanks."

"Just make sure you tell her what you love about her too, because It should go both ways."

She snorted and then gave me a quick smile. "That part will be easy, she's absolutely amazing."

"Then tell her!" I said with my own smile. "Tell her every day and make sure she knows how much she means to you. Because I know she feels the same way about you too."

She was silent for a bit as more students filed in. "You're really a good person," she murmured. "I'm glad I figured my shit out and got to meet you as something more than Nicky's target, because you and Shay are the best. I still can't believe how badly I treated Shay, only for you to both take me in as friends. I thought she'd hate me forever."

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