Chapter 69

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to San Diego International Airport," said one of the flight attendants over the speakers. "Please remain seated while the captain taxis us to the gate, and we'll have you out on the beach in no time."

It had been an easy flight, and an exciting one since neither of us had been on a plane since we were kids. We probably looked pretty odd, staring out the windows and giggling the entire time as we just watched the scenery flow past far beneath us. But we didn't care, we were on the west coast, and we were going to enjoy five nights in the La Valencia hotel, in one of their villas. I couldn't wait to see a California beach, as all we were used to was the one down on the cape. Kenley, Gloria and Kate already told us that we'd love the sand and the waves, but we still wanted to check them out ourselves.

"Are you ready, princess?" I asked once the cabin door was open.

"Yep!" She stood up quickly and was ready to go in seconds. "I love this. We've never taken a vacation, so this will be an awesome time." She was absolutely right about that, and I was so glad we were doing this.

It wasn't long before we got off the plane, and we picked up our luggage and then our rental car. An hour after we deplaned, we were pulling into the La Valencia hotel for our little honeymoon. We knew we'd made the right choice as soon as we parked. The scent of the salt air, and the crash of the waves on the shore reminded me of all the good times we'd had on the cape with our friends. But the sun setting over the water also let us know that it was a whole new coast, and that we had a lot more to explore. Well, besides each other.

Our villa was lovely. It was like a little studio apartment with a gorgeous view of the water, and a gas fireplace that I already knew we'd be snuggling in front of while listening to the waves. "This is so pretty!" Amber said after she let her suitcase fall to the floor. She was just standing in front of the fireplace and looking out the door to the ocean, then turned to me with a big smile. "I can't believe we're here! I love you so much, Shay." I could see happy tears in her eyes as she took everything in, and I dropped my suitcase next to hers as I walked quickly over and pulled her into a hug.

"I love you too, princess. I think this is just what we need." I just held her for a minute, loving how well she fit against me. Even with all of her workouts, and the added muscles, she was still just right to hold against me like this. "Come on, let's go check out the view." With the time change, we'd landed and got to the hotel just in time to catch the sunset, and I couldn't wait to see it again and again over the next few days. I fully intended to take all the pictures I could, just to make more art from this trip, just like the ice cream trips.

The little balcony attached to our room had a white railing and overlooked the ocean with a row of palm trees in front of the beach to accentuate the view. It was simply breathtaking, with the sky a myriad of colors as the fading sun painted it with light. I stood behind Amber, my arms around her belly as she leaned back into me and just watched the sun going down. We didn't have to say anything, and I didn't try taking a picture that night, I just wanted to enjoy the moment. It was magical, and just the start we needed to start our honeymoon. When the sun finally disappeared from view, we both let out little sighs of contentment.

"Damn," Amber whispered as she turned in my embrace, leaning her head against my shoulder. "If I wasn't already pregnant, then I'd tell you to get me that way after that nature show."

I snickered, my breath tickling her ear. "I love that you're pregnant," I told her softly. "I am so happy we're having a family, because I know we're going to be great parents, and while it might be tough at first, I've thought about having kids with you for a long time."

I felt her body move against mine as she chuckled. "I thought about it with you too. I mean, I always assumed I'd find a girl and get married, and we'd adopt or go with a donor, but when I found out that you could make me pregnant, I knew we'd make some great babies."

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