Chapter 27

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               I hadn't been to a dance since a few father daughter ones back in elementary school, and certainly had no dresses or shoes suitable for one. It wasn't like I'd planned to go, I'd skipped both the homecoming and snowball dances the previous year, and had planned to do the same thing this year. The school also had both junior and senior proms, but an upperclassman would have had to ask me, and I knew Shay couldn't have. She better not this year either.

But Maddie seemed pretty wonderful. We talked a lot on the phone in the evenings, learning more about each other before the night of the dance. She was living in an apartment with her single mom, and loved gymnastics, her favorite color was pink, and she was in the drama club doing plays and musicals and was hoping to be a cheerleader as a sophomore.

I obviously couldn't use my mom to drive me or help with dress shopping, but Amy pitched in for me. She spent a Friday night with me at the mall looking through the petite section in the hope that I could find a dress that wouldn't need alterations, as this was such short notice. The worst thing about the trip was that the dress I fell in love with was black. It really was gorgeous though, and not overtly sexy because I wasn't going for that.

"I don't know if I can buy the dress," I told Amy glumly. "Black is Shay's favorite color, and if she sees me in it, she might think I wore it for her."

I felt her grab my shoulders and spin me to look into my eyes. "Are you buying it for her?"

I shook my head quickly "No, I just really like it. It fits perfectly and I think Maddie would like it too." But yes, there was a little part of me that had to acknowledge that Shay would like it if she saw it, even if she wasn't the one that I was buying it for.

"Then get it. You can't worry about other people, whether they're exes or haters or someone else. No matter how old you are, there will be people that are going to make assumptions about you, or talk behind your back, or want you to fail. As long as you can keep your head up and just live your life without giving them power over you, then you'll be fine. Buy the dress."

I bought the dress.

And then I bought a pair of low heels. I wasn't tall, I'd grown to 5'2" lately, but Maddie was even shorter than I by a little, so I didn't want to make it awkward if we wanted to dance. I know, some schools have people that get down on you for being gay, but so far, I hadn't had any issues with that, nor had anyone else I'd seen. And yes, I wanted to dance.

Neither of us could drive, so Amy had offered to be our ride for the night too. Seriously, I was going to have to owe Amy big time after all this help! Maddie had insisted on taking me to dinner, so I countered on taking her for dessert afterwards, and then we'd spend time at the dance before heading home. There wouldn't be anything beyond that, unless maybe a kiss goodnight.

While I was one of the youngest sophomores, Maddie was one of the older freshmen, so it turned out that we were both 15. I wasn't planning on having sex with her or anything, since this was like a first date, but who knew what the future might hold, right?

The night of the party, I was very nervous. Since none of the outings that Shay and I had were ever classified as dates, this was my first official date and dance, and I wasn't really sure what to expect. Amy picked me up, and we drove over to the apartments near the harbor. She didn't keep me waiting, and I got out in the frigid December air and opened the back door of Amy's Toyota Camry for her to get in, and then slid in next to her. Maddie's face had a wide smile, and I wasn't surprised to see her wearing a lovely pink dress. With mine being black, we'd make all the K-pop fans happy tonight!

"You look great," I said in a whisper. "The pink really suits you."

"Thanks, so do you, Amber. I'm so glad you said yes!"

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