Chapter 53

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               Shay and I weren't even a little surprised that Amy was in the pool a lot when we weren't working over the next two weeks. But it went even further than that. Shay and I may have caught feelings fast, but it took us a long time before we actually were able to act on them and be together.

But Lynn? She moved in with Amy before her parents got home from their trip.

U-Haul? Yeah, they had literally rented one to get all her stuff over there. Did we make a few jokes about it? Yes. Normally, I would have protested, but I absolutely adored Amy, and Lynn had become such a good person after Nicky and Leigh showed her just how bad things could get if she kept going down that path, that I could see them working out as long as they kept being open and honest. Oh, and they were adorably whipped for each other, even with the eight year age gap.

But Lynn's parents were not thrilled at all. They'd already lost Shay, which they had been expecting, and the prospect of losing Lynn to a woman drove their dad crazy because she was their baby. It took the four of us going to their house and having a bit of an intervention for them to understand that they couldn't dictate her life, as much as they wanted to. The way they'd been treating the kids had already fractured their relationship with Shay, and set Lynn against her for all too long. If they kept things up, neither kid would want to see them. Much like Shay had stood up to them, Lynn did the same, and Amy backed her up. When Shay and I pledged our support too, it was over. Lynn knew she wasn't going to be alone and had no problem saying she wanted to stay with Amy. Yeah, it might have helped that her $5 million trust fund from her grandfather had become hers when she turned 18 too, but still.

I didn't know whether their parents would ever fully support them or not, but at least they weren't standing in their way. I still didn't think they'd ever accept Shay though, which was heartbreaking. I still had hope for my mom, but I wasn't sure about that either since I hadn't heard from her in ages. In the meantime, we were about to introduce Lynn to the people that were our found family, in the hope that they would take her in as well. So, when the Labor Day weekend rolled around, the four of us headed out to the Cape in Lynn's car since it was the nicest. Four lesbians in the V Wagon? Yeah, we made a few comments about that along the two hour journey.

I'd forgotten that Harper also had a G Wagon, though in a much nicer dark blue color, but as soon as Lynn saw it, she groaned in envy. "That is so much better! Why did my dad think I'd want pink?"

"Yours is newer though," Amy pointed out as she reached over and caressed Lynn's knee. "Besides, I never notice the color when we're in the back seat together."

"Hey!" Shay yelped, since we were the ones riding in that back seat. "I hope you cleaned everything up back here!" I instinctively looked around, just to make sure, but didn't see anything. Meanwhile, both Lynn and Amy were snickering at us.

"Don't worry, everything was on towels," Lynn said with a giggle.

"Not everything," Amy replied. "A lot was on my face." 

Lynn blushed as red as a stop sign, but then giggled at her girlfriend. "Good point!"

"No more of that!" Shay grumbled. "We don't tell you about our sex life and freak you out."

"You don't have to. Amber comes to work waddling, so I know what you did to her," Amy chortled. "You've made her bowlegged!"

"She has not!" I yelped. "Though sometimes my jaw is sore, so I get quiet." I figured penis talk might shut them up, and I was right.

"Ewww, don't say that! We don't need to hear anything about dicks!" Amy turned and mock glared at us.

"Right, unless they're silicone," added Lynn. "Oh, have you tried that yet? Amber, are you pegging my big sis?"

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