Chapter 55

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               "How are you holding up?" Harper asked the next day while we sat on the beach. Most of the others, Shay, Amy and Lynn included, were out on the boat, but I'd stuck around with Harper, Reid and the kids because I was a little sore after the previous night's rooftop boink-fest. I'd already helped make some epic sandcastles, and we'd set all the kids up with snacks and drinks, while we caught some sun.

"I'm really good." And I was. Yes, life wasn't perfect, but I had wonderful friends, and a loving girlfriend who made my life better every day. I was going to go to college soon, and hopefully that would go well, and I had a job that I enjoyed. I had a lot more than many people, so I had to say I was good. Sure, I'd love to talk to my mom again, or at least have the occasional call or text to let me know she was doing okay, but that might still happen in time. "I think life is going pretty well. Shay and I are stronger than ever, and some days I think we might as well be married since we've already set up house together."

She nodded along with me. "Considering your ages, you're both doing remarkably well. You've been living with each other for two years already. I'm a little surprised she hasn't asked, since I have a feeling that you'd say yes."

I just smiled at her. "I would, yeah. I know she's who I want to marry, and I know she wants to marry me. I think we're still dealing with a little uncertainty because she graduates in June, and then has an eight week internship in Boston after that. There is a good chance I'll be on my own for a few years while I'm still in school. But we're going to make it work, somehow. We're committed to that."

"So, travelling to visit each other on weekends, things like that?"

"Right. She'll have her truck up there, but there is a train line from Providence to Boston. I should be able to take that on some weekends to visit her, and she can drive down to see me on others. We'll find a way to see each other as much as we can." I knew it wouldn't be easy, and it might strain things, but we'd been through worse, and our love would overcome it.

She leaned over, patting my hand as we sat in the sand. "I'm proud of you. I'm glad that you and Shay have done so well. I can look at Kenley and Shiloh, or Gloria and Kate, and I see you two. You're built for the long haul, constantly supporting each other. You both seem to pick each other up, and I think that is a big deal."

"I was worried about that. Her family is still ignoring her existence, other than Lynn, and I haven't heard anything from my mom since she left, but we're making our own family. All of you up here have become our idols, and our role models. We want this kind of life. I don't mean the money and the house, I mean the love and the families. Someday we'll have kids, and we'll want to show them as much love as you all do."

"You will. We'll all support you too, you know that. Any time you have questions, we'll all be there to help or give advice. You're both like the kid sisters we've all wanted."

"I wish I was! But really, I look forward to these visits so much. Lynn was excited to come because we've always raved about you all, and I know she already can't wait to come back again."

"She's a sweet kid. I think she and Amy make a nice couple too." Down on the beach, we could see the younger kids all burying Reid in the sand now, and we couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Have you had any more luck deciding on what you want to do with school?"

"Nope. I really have no idea, but I guess that's okay. I really like working at the gym, and I'm not sure what other job I could have that I'd enjoy as much. I can't see myself sitting in an office, and I'm not sure what I even like. That's why I'm still not planning on choosing a major till I can figure it out."

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