Chapter 45

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When Harper arrived at the hospital, I was down in the cafeteria, sitting in the corner with a coke and some fries, just because I needed something to munch on to sooth my soul. My mother hadn't taken the story well, honestly neither had I in the retelling of it, and she had demanded I leave the room when I was done because she was so upset. I left the folder with the rehab centers, but right now, it didn't seem like she cared about that. I was more worried that she'd retreat right back into the bottle now that she knew what had happened. The nurse had to sedate her for a bit during the discussion, as her vitals were all going too high as she'd started yelling at me by the end, and I'd retreated to the cafeteria in tears.

I hadn't even told her everything about me getting attacked, she'd broken down as soon as she found out about dad's killer being the one who had been sleeping with her. I couldn't blame her, I would have probably done the same thing in her case. The whole situation sucked, and I hated that we had to deal with it.

I'd texted both Harper and Shay about what happened and where I was, and I knew Harper was close. Shay said she'd be here as soon as possible, but I knew she had to finish class. In the meantime, somewhat crunchy fries and ketchup were doing what it could to make my soul feel a little better. But they were hospital cafeteria fries and could only do so much.

When Harper arrived, she didn't even say a thing before swooping in and giving me a hug. I got lucky, and kept my grease and ketchup covered fingers away from her suit, but I don't think she would have cared.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she asked gently.

I shook my head, letting the tears fall once more. "The doctor. I tried to make him stop, but he wouldn't shut up. He told her she had syphilis, and she had no idea how. I didn't want to explain everything, but I felt like I had no choice at that point. She didn't remember all the guys she was with, and she was worried about missing Christmas because she had no idea what month it was! She kicked me out of her room when she found out who had done it. She's not doing well, and I don't blame her, and I just feel awful."

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I wish I could have gotten here in time. Do you want me to go talk to her?"

I nodded swiftly. "Yes. But don't tell her I got hurt! I don't want her to be worried about me. I just want her to get better and hopefully agree to a rehab center. Everything else can wait."

"Okay. I'll go take care of her. You rest, and when Shay gets here, just go home. I don't want you to come back for a few days. I'll talk to her, and we'll set something up for you to meet again when she's doing a little better. Does she have a phone to get in touch with you?"

"Yeah. She might not know it, but it's with her belongings in a bag under the bed. It probably needs a charge though." I wiped away the tears and sniffled a few times. "Thank you, Harper, I don't know how I would have gotten through all this without you."

"That's what friends are for. We have a nice little group out there, and you and Shay are like our newest members, even if you don't live closer to us. We always support our friends, and we'll keep doing it. Besides, as much as you've had to grow up over the last few years, and act like an adult, you're still not even 16. You're the kind of kid that all of us would love to have, and you have an open invitation to come visit whenever you like."

I snickered a little. "Well, Shay has a truck now, so maybe we'll have to do that!"

"Good. That is exactly what I want to hear. I know the little ones loved hanging out with you and Shay, and Reid wanted to adopt you on the spot." She smiled as though joking, but hearing Reid's name really made me smile at the fond memories of the 4th of July weekend.

"We'll be back. Shay's family sucks, and if my mom is in rehab then we'll probably be looking for people to hang out with at the holidays." Really, I was looking for any reason to hang out with them again. If my mom was out of rehab rehab, once she was better, we could bring her too. There was no downside to it.

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