Chapter 35

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School was almost blissful after that. We didn't become popular, neither of us cared about that, but we were both acknowledged more. Shay and I still ate lunch together, and we still didn't attract a crowd. Many of the girls that had been hitting on us last year were all part of the group that were bribed by Nicky and the others, and I guess everyone else assumed we were together again.

And we were, just only as friends. But neither of us wanted anything more than that with anyone else.

The fallout from the girls didn't end with school. Willow had immediately dumped Nicky, and started dating Joy, which made Nicky furious. From what Shay overheard at home with Lynn, both Nicky and Leigh were grounded until the end of school, so Nicky couldn't have dated much anyway. Lynn had been admonished for being a part of their schemes and grounded for two weeks. She got off light in my mind, but as Shay pointed out, she was always the golden child. Oddly enough, she even apologized to Shay for all that she'd done, but it was going to take more than that to repair things between them. It was a start though, so maybe they could repair things.

Lynn was miserable with the punishments for another reason too, which was okay in my book. Unlike a lot of warmer states, we have two vacation breaks. One in February, and then a spring break in April. Of course, we also get out of school later than other schools, having to be in classes until the middle of June. Well, the middle of June assuming that there were no snow days that make us extend the year. So far, we'd been lucky about that.

Shay's parents had originally planned to take Lynn skiing up in New Hampshire on the February break, with Shay staying home of course. But with Lynn's punishment came the cancellation of that trip. Really, that sucked for Shay and I because we had hoped to spend a week together like we had the first time we met. We would have skipped riding bikes for ice cream and going to the beach with the snow still on the ground, but it still would have let us get back the closeness we'd had. There could have been a lot of cooking, and snuggles and movies, and I would have been down with that.

But still, Shay had more freedom now, and we were riding to work together again, as well as hanging out afterwards when we'd usually get a snack before heading home. It was like the good old days, and it felt wonderful to reconnect. I needed it, because in March my mom started having a guy over again, and it was sickening. It used to be different guys that would come over, but now it was the same one over and over, and he loved calling her names like slut and whore, when he wasn't grunting, that made me want to go in there and kick his ass. But I never heard her saying anything about it, and I wasn't going to go bust in there with my mom having sex, so I just tuned it out. The only good thing about this guy was he always left before the morning, so I never had to see him to kick him out.

But I did make sure my bedroom stayed locked, and the switchblade that Owen gave me stayed under the pillow unless it was on me while I was riding to work.

Thankfully, when spring break rolled around in April, Shay's parents took Lynn for a family visit. Shay assured me it wasn't a fun one, it was to 'scare her straight' by visiting her father's sister, Aunt Lynn, who she'd been named after. I guess that her aunt was pissed about what had been happening after talking to Shay's parents, and was even worse than her dad. Considering that Lynn had been acting a little more human at school and towards Shay, I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

But it also meant a week of me not hearing the grunting coming from my mom's room because I could spend it with Shay, so I was more than okay with that. I made sure there were lots of meals and leftovers for my mom to heat up, and I got her in the shower once more, but I wasn't planning on coming back to the house unless there was an emergency.

I had my email open on the day that Shay's family was scheduled to leave, and as soon as I got the message that their car was out of sight, I started racing to get over there. I grabbed my duffel bag of clothes and then hopped on my bike and rode over to Shay's house quickly as I could. I would have gone over the wall, but I didn't want to leave footprints in the light layer of snow that might show her family where I lived. The odds of them seeing them would be slim since the snow would probably melt before they got back, but I didn't want to risk it. With Nicky being in trouble, we didn't worry about her being a lookout for visitors anymore either. 

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