Chapter 13

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I knew that Shay loved the color black, but I still wasn't expecting every wall to be covered in jet black paint. However, what had truly stunned me was the artwork. There were eight photographs that were hanging around the room, each of them was a picture of my hand holding a different flavored ice cream cone with the melting ice cream trailing all over my fingers. She'd done some sort of color manipulation to make the ice cream colors really stand out while the rest was almost washed out into a black and white, and they just popped against the wall color. The pink of the bubblegum, and the yellow of the banana really jumped right out. I couldn't believe that she'd used these, I had just thought they were to remember the week. But they looked so beautiful, and I was astounded that she had my hand as the art that she would hang.

"Shay, these are amazing!" I said breathlessly. I stood in the center of the room, just turning around in a little circle to take it all in.

"They were the first things I got with my initial paycheck from the auto shop. I'm really good with Photoshop, and did some color editing, then printed them out at CVS. I have some larger ones that I printed at a high end photo shop that I want to get matted and framed, but I don't want those to be hung in this house. They're too good for this place. These will do for now." She looked around the room too, and I could tell she was both proud and yet unsatisfied. "Someday I'll hang the bigger ones when I have my own place, but I think these came out as good as I could have hoped for now."

"As good as you could hope?" I was incredulous as I turned to look at Shay. "These are so beautiful! It makes me want to go get some ice cream right now, and I can't believe you had a real reason for making me have the ice cream drip! They came out so good! I really can't believe you used my hands for art!"

She hung her head, blushing deeply as she turned towards the adjoining bathroom. "You were the perfect person for it, the only one I would want. I'll be back in a bit, okay? I really do need a shower."

I nodded slowly, sorry to have embarrassed her with the praise. But she truly was wonderful, and I couldn't wait to see the version of the pictures that she was happy with. "I'll stay here, if that's okay. If the pizza comes, I'll give you a yell."

"Perfect, I'll try not to take too long." She disappeared into the bathroom, and closed the door, and a moment later I heard the water turn on. Yes, my crush was just ten feet away, stripping naked and separated from me by nothing but a few inches of wooden door. I could only imagine her in the shower, washing her hair, getting sudsy with body wash and then running her hands over her.... Oh my God, stop! I'm a pervert! What is wrong with me? She was doing nothing but innocently taking a shower, and here I was thinking all kinds of naughty things about her! I really needed to get a cold shower and cool myself off. Hmm, I bet there was some cold water in the bathroom sink that was right there next to the shower with a naked Shay in it.

No! Damnit! Stop that!

I ran out of the room, and found another bathroom down the hall, where I quickly splashed some cold water on my face. Unfortunately, it couldn't get to my brain, where my mind was currently imagining me in the shower with her, while her hands were on my waist and our breasts were almost touching.

I'm going to Hell.

I just leaned against the wall for a few minutes, trying to calm myself before going back to Shay's room. I tried thinking about my new job, and that helped, because it was another good thing in my life, and one that didn't make me think perverted thoughts. As hot as Kate and Gloria were, I didn't think of them in that way, and it helped me calm my libido. Puberty sucks.

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