"Then we will. We can find some nice gender neutral names, and then however they're more comfortable, we'll help. Just like if one of our kids is trans, gay, straight, or falls in love with a Martian. Shay was a perfect name for you, so maybe we can have little Shay Juniors driving all the girls in school crazy."

"Oh, damn no! I don't wanna be a grandparent too soon!" We needed a little time on that!

Amber snickered, then lay back down. "Fine. But you know that even when people found out about this bad boy," she reached down, gripping my shaft and giving it a little squeeze, "you were getting hit on all the time at school. Not all of those were Nicky paying people either, a lot still wanted you even when she left."

I couldn't deny that, but luckily, I'd already found the love of my life by then. "So, if we raise our kid right, they'll feel better about themselves and maybe have a better life?"

"I'm sure of it. We both know what it's like not to have that, so we'll make sure we love our kids and that they know we'll always be there for them."

"But we'll still need some gender neutral names," I pointed out.

She hummed in agreement, and ran her hands idly over my belly, getting dangerously close to my dick, which was both excited at having just been grabbed, and worn out from the workout she'd given me. "We could go with something like Skyler, Jamie, or Jesse. Those would be good names and would work no matter how they decide to be identified."

"You just wanna name a kid after that Only Fans star huh?" I asked with a snicker that turned into a yelp when she pinched my nipple.

"No! It's a good name though, and she was intersex so I could see it fit. Besides, she helped me too, and you seemed to enjoy the tips that she gave me, so no complaining."

I couldn't deny that. I may never have had the talks with Jamie that Amber did, but she'd shown me the messages that had been sent between them, and they had seemed genuinely helpful. "I think those names are good, you're right. Thanks for thinking of all that, princess."

I felt her mouth giving my shoulder soft kisses as she relaxed on me, and I snuggled her closer. "Shay?" she asked after a few minutes where I thought she might fall asleep on me. "I think I want to go back to school. Maybe I can find a way where I can help people like Harper helped us. I could be a therapist, or work for CPS or something to make sure kids get help if they need it."

Damn, my princess was too good for words, she really was. "That sounds perfect for you. I bet you'd be able to help a lot of people out."

"I was thinking I could take online classes and find a place to work that's closer to whatever house we find. If we move further down the south shore, I'm not going to want to commute while pregnant." I could tell she was sad about that, but it made sense. Gloria and Kate had been there for her five years ago when she needed them, and it would be a big step to leave the gym. Amy had already started that same process, since she had already let Gloria and Kate know she'd be leaving once she finished getting her degree and found a job, and I had little doubt that they knew it would happen with Amber as well. But it would still be a tearful farewell.

"I think that sounds perfect, princess. Honestly, don't even worry about a job, because you'd be having the baby beating on you the entire time. Just deal with school, and don't overdo it." I knew that Amber was worried that she wouldn't be contributing financially, but she'd already planned on using a bunch of the money from the lawsuit to put towards the house. She also did so many other things that I never wanted her to feel like she wasn't doing a ton for our new family. "You're already doing so much, so please don't let the money be a big issue, okay?"

"I just don't want you to think you have to take care of me," she whispered sadly. "I want to contribute too."

I rolled over, pinning her to the couch and kissed her pouty lips. "Of course, I'll take care of you, and you'll take care of me. Please don't worry that we have to be even in everything, okay? I love every inch of you and our little bean, and I know you love me too. We're a team, and we get to do everything together. We pick each other up and make sure we're both happy, and that has nothing to do with who makes more or who does the cooking or cleaning or whatever. As long as we're both doing our best, that is all that matters."

She was quiet again, but I could see tears in her eyes, though she smiled at me and nodded. "I love you so much, Shay. You're everything I needed." She got a smirk on her face, then reached down between us and started stroking my shaft again. "And more."

I moaned, leaning down to kiss her neck as I felt my shaft swell in her hand. "Damn, princess, what are you doing to me?"

She giggled against my ear, then nipped at the lobe. "I believe you said I'll take care of you, and you'll take care of me. So, I wanted to take care of you. Or perhaps we can take care of each other."

Yep, round four was coming up!

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