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Madison felt the gentle kick from within her as she sat on the living room couch, cradling her baby bump. Noah, playing with his toys on the floor, looked up with curiosity.

"Daddy, the baby's kicking!" Noah exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

Nick, who had been busy in the kitchen, quickly joined them, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. "Is that right?" he grinned, kneeling down next to Noah.

Madison smiled at the two most important people in her life. "Yep, your little sister is saying hello," she said, running a hand over her baby bump.

Noah, with his innocent enthusiasm, placed his tiny hands on Madison's belly. Nick chuckled, watching the interaction between his son and the baby bump. "Well, it seems like you two are getting along just fine," he remarked.

As Noah continued talking to his unborn sibling, Madison looked at Nick with affection. "I love our little family," she said, her eyes reflecting warmth.

Nick leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Madison's forehead. "Me too. Our journey is getting even more beautiful with each passing day."

The three of them spent the afternoon together – playing games, sharing laughs, and making memories. Nick, ever the doting husband and father, helped Noah set up a makeshift fort in the living room. Madison watched with delight as her family bonded and cherished these simple, beautiful moments.

Later that evening, as they all snuggled on the couch for a family movie night, Madison couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. She traced circles on her belly, marvelling at the life growing within. In the warmth of their home, surrounded by love, Madison, Nick, Noah, and the little one on the way enjoyed the quiet bliss of family togetherness.


hey guys

sorry this is absolutely cringy towards the end bit, but i js find everything cringy like lit even saying this is cringy is cringy this is so random ig ahah 

have a good one 

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