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The last things I had just heard was, 'Will you marry me?', My boyfriend, if you would even call him that in this situation had asked me to marry him.

"I—" I started to stutter as my eyes filled with a bit of water, I looked at Celine and Gigi who had mouthed to me, 'Breathe', and 'Take your time'

I looked at Nicks hand waiting for a response from me. I then wiped a tear as Nick looked a bit disappointed because I think he thought I'd say no.

"Y-yes, of course I'll marry you!" I exclaimed as Nick then jumped up on his knees, he kissed me and placed the ring on my finger and just as that happened all the players ran on the stage and jumped around Nick. The crowd was howling and screaming but that's when I had decided to step back because the stage was pretty crowded.

"Mr & Mrs Daicos, everybody!" I heard a player scream into the microphone as I made my way down the steps, the partners had made their way to me. Eventually, they all had one by one congratulated me.

"What's the news Nick found out that changed his life?" Annalise threw an arm around my shoulder. "You'll find out soon" I laughed.

"Congratulations, Mads" Nicks Family had hugged me. I saw my mum standing next to someone. I looked at her as I ran into her open arms.

I heard cameras flashing but I couldn't care less. "Congratulations," My mum smiled. "On this, and the baby" She whispered into my ear. I pulled back as I looked at her wide eyed.

"You little Bitch! You thought I would find out." She playfully smacked me as I laughed. We then made our way to the locker rooms and I looked at Nicks bag, where my phone was. There was a letter.

Hey Mads,
Not sure if you said yes, or if you said no. Hopefully yes, no pressure though. When you walked off I slowly pulled your phone out of your pocket and left it here, so you wouldn't be having your phone when Nick calls you up because I know little things like that will annoy the shit out of you! Love you so much and wish nothing but the best for you!
Always here for you, mads. No matter what.

Cel & G xx

I smiled as I looked at the note. I felt hands wrap around my waist as I felt a kiss being planted on my cheek. "I love you, so so much." Nick spun me around. "And, thank you for making it." He grinned. "Of course I would've made it no matter what! And I love you, so so much, too, Nick." I wrapped my hands around him.

... Isaac and Jack had made their way over to me. "How's the," Jack then patted his belly. "Yeah?" Isaac asked, "Good, good" I smiled. "Congratulations!" They both said in sync. "So happy for you," They both started. "Can you believe we won?!" They added.

The night was amazing.

I was so proud of each of the boys, they easily deserved it.

hey guys,
oh. lit no comment necessary I'm js as shocked as u r but dw this isn't the end of the book still many more ch to come!! hopefully yk js incase smth happens but yeah still can't believe this szn has come to an end I can lit js cry. wow, I'm acc nonplussed n speechless cs i lit have nothing to say. Sorry this was short but it had a lot of meaning to it n didn't know how to end it but bring on next yr, or don't, bc I'm very nervous and I lit can't believe Craig McRae's wife gave birth like?! I'm lit proud of every team this szn except for my least fav they did horrible like shush. but the players that r retiring?! Bro omg wth Oof i lit wrote sm and this weather OMD but I nearly teared up n gonna miss Ed but Charlie n Ed looked so good especially Charlie

have a good one

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