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The weight of the argument still hung heavily in the air as I drove to Celine's house, my best friend's place. The familiar streets passed by, my mind lost in a whirlwind of emotions and questions. It felt like the longest drive ever, and with each passing moment, my anxiety grew.

When I finally arrived at Celine's place, I parked the car and sat there for a moment, my hands gripping the steering wheel. I knew I had to talk to someone about what had just happened with Nick, but I wasn't sure where to begin. Would Celine even understand? Would she take sides? These thoughts swirled around my head, and I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

With a heavy sigh, I got out of the car and walked up to Celine's front door. She was the kind of friend who wouldn't judge or criticize. She would listen and offer her honest advice, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. That's what I needed right now.

I knocked on the door, my knuckles rapping lightly against the wood. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Celine's warm and welcoming smile. "Madison, what brings you here?" she asked, her brow furrowing as she noticed the distress on my face.

I hesitated for a moment, my emotions threatening to spill over. But before I could answer, Celine pulled me into a comforting embrace. We stood there, holding each other, and I finally let the tears flow. Celine didn't say a word; she just held me tighter, offering the solace I so desperately needed.

After a while, I pulled away and took a shaky breath. "Can we talk?" I asked.

Celine nodded and ushered me inside, leading me to the living room. As we settled on the couch, I began to recount the argument with Nick, the frustration, and the hurt I felt. Celine listened attentively, her kind eyes never leaving mine.

When I finished speaking, she didn't immediately offer advice or solutions. Instead, she took my hand and said, "I'm here for you, Mads. You know that, right?"

I nodded, feeling grateful for her presence. "I just need to figure things out. I need some space to clear my head."

Celine squeezed my hand. "You do what's best for you. And remember, I'll support you no matter what."

As I sat there, I knew I had a long and uncertain journey ahead, but having Celine by my side made it a little less daunting.


hey guys 

not rlly much to say but yeah publishing these ch later on wrote this in the morning but um yeah i thought to add some drama bc idk y acc lol 

have a good one 

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