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Isaac: Did u land?
Madison: yesss js now
Isaac: oh perfect great to hear
Madison: yepp tn I gotta call u or anytime u can to tell u smth, gotta work w the time diff tho
Isaac: msg me anytime u can alr? dw ab the time here all g
Madison: Okkk ay I gtg we're going to the room
Isaac: Alr have fun
Madison hearted this message

I set Noah down on the bed as I placed my suitcase onto the floor. "Hey, let's go to the beach it's not even that far!" Celine exclaimed excitedly. I had gotten out the pram / stroller and we began to make our way towards the beach. "It is so hot" Kendall used her hand as a fan. "Wait," I bent down into the little space under where Noah was sitting in the pram. "Here" I stood back up, handing her the mini fan. "Oh my god, thank you, literal lifesaver!" Kendall thanked me. We made our way towards the beach and walked on the sand.

"Anyone wanna swim?" Celine said, as she stripped of her dress leaving her in her bathers. "Mm, sure." Kendall smiled, "Mads?" They both asked. "No, thanks. Maybe next time we come down" I replied. I sat down on a bench not far from where we were. Noah was crying so I gave him my phone to watch something on.

I looked back at the hotel and saw a figure turn around and run. I ignored it as they were probably just — actually, on second thoughts I really don't know.

"We're done" Celine and Kendall spoke, as they had their towels wrapped around their waists as it was pretty hot. "How about we go up to the hotel room to get changed then we'll go find somewhere to have dinner or something?" Kendall suggested.

We all agreed to that then made our way to the hotel. I was thankful that I didn't have a bump otherwise everyone would've known that I was pregnant.

"Hey!" I heard a female voice call as we entered the lobby. I turned my head to the right and saw the blonde girl making her way over to us. "Oh, hey!!" I hugged Annalise, as the other girls did the same. "Aww, look how cute he is!" Annalise pointed at Noah. I smiled then Nick had made his way over to Josh and Gigi, searching the room then spotting us. "You guys staying here, too?" Annalise raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah," I spoke. "We should definitely have dinner or something, without them of course, especially her" Annalise looked back at Gigi who was already staring. "What's her problem." Celine scoffed as she rolled her eyes. 

"Anna!" We heard Josh call. "Coming! Bye guys, love you all enjoy your time!" She quickly hugged us as she ran off. We went to the elevators as well, and we were all waiting awkwardly. Josh, Annalise, Gigi, and Nick went into one elevator. "There's still room, it's pretty big, come in" Josh smiled, as they stepped back and made room for us.

"What level are you guys on?" Josh asked, "Uhh, 10 was it?" I looked at Celine. "Yep" She confirmed. "Same here! What room?" Annalise grinned. "148" Kendall answered. "Oh my god, Josh and I are 150, and their 149" Annalise said. "How lovely" Celine fake smiled.

Gigi kept staring at Noah so I pulled the cover down so she couldn't stare because it honestly made me uncomfortable, I don't know why. We heard a ring then the doors to the elevators opened. We made our way towards the rooms.

"Mads, can I quickly ask you something?" Nick looked at me. "Nope" I opened the door to the room. "Mads, can I talk to you for a second?" Josh asked, "Sure" I answered. He waited for everyone to walk off before he cleared his throat, "Nick told me about you being pregnant. He knew you wouldn't talk to him, so I'll ask for him. It's ok if you don't answer, you don't have to. But he just wants to know if you've told anyone" Josh whispered. "I'd prefer to not answer that just because his asking." I replied. "What if I'm asking?" Josh rubbed the back of his neck. "Why would you be asking?" I questioned. "Alright, alright, you got me. But, look, please look after yourself. Also, congratulations." Josh said as he walked off.

I opened the door and pushed Noah's pram in, and I saw Celine and Kendall awkwardly sitting on the couch and bed. "You guys were listening weren't you?" I sighed. "I would've told you anyways, better for me I don't have to repeat" I laughed.

Hey guys
sorry I wrote this in Adelaide but didn't know what to do n rn I'm on the plane but not uploading til either 1st of November which is tmr rn or later on today which is the 31 of October

Have a good one

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