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It was honestly awkward talking to Annalise knowing that she and Josh aren't together anymore. I was going over to Josh and Annalise's old house to collect Annalise's stuff. I had a few boxes with me. I walked into the house with the keys Annalise had lent me. "Who is it?" Josh said poking his head out of nowhere. "Oh, Madison," Josh said. "Just here to get some stuff," I said, trying not to mention Annalise's name. "Alright," Josh said, dryly. "So where are you staying?" I asked following him as he was taking me to where Annalise kept her stuff. 

"With Mum and Dad," He replied. "Here we are" He said pointing at where Annalise kept her stuff. "Does she at least feel bad?" Josh asked, turning his head to me. "Very bad, and I mean it," I said, honestly. "Where's she staying?" He asked, curiously. "At her Mum's and Dad's, too" I smiled. "I was so surprised when she told me, I thought she was the type to never do something like that" He shrugged. "She was drunk," I said, trying to clarify things. "She was?" Josh questioned. "Yeah?" I said, confused. "I didn't know that, but it doesn't make the situation any better?" He said. I started packing her stuff in the box. "I assume you're packing your stuff too, huh?" I asked. "Yeah," He answered. "So, what are you going to do with the house?" I asked, "I honestly don't know" He sighed. "Why did she have to do it," He sighed, head in his hands. "Do you love her?" I asked. "I tell myself I don't," He said. "But, I do" He added. "Well Josh, unfortunately, this is the bit where no one can decide for you," I said. "No one will ever know how much you love her, how much you want her - It's just you," I told him. "Do you want to get back with her?" I asked. "Not now" He replied. "So, you'll forgive her?" I smiled, with hope. "I don't even know anymore Mads" He said walking off. 

I went to Josh before I left. "This is from Annalise," I said, handing a box to him. "Just please don't throw it out, I'm sure she put a lot of effort into it" I added, heading towards the door with boxes filled in my hands.


After receiving many questions from Annalise whilst dropping her stuff off, I was now at Nick's house. "I heard Annalise gave Josh something," Nick said, walking out in new clothes as he had just finished training. "Yeah, not sure what it is though" I shrugged. Nick came from behind me and kissed me on the cheek. "Josh told me what it was," He said, now sitting next to me. "It was like some gift basket thingy with an apology letter" He added. "Do you think he'll forgive her?" I said, locking my eyes with Nick's. "He'll eventually come around - If he does, it'll take him a while, but honestly I don't even know" Nick shrugged. 

After just talking for a bit longer we decided to turn on the T.V. and watch a movie. 


Hey guysss

ik this was a short chapter, but i hope u enjoyed it 

in a writers block rn so this drama's keeping me going ig lolll

have a good oneeee 🫶🏽

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