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I wished this was a Joke.

"Mad- Madison— umm, what're you doing here" Gigi took a few steps back.

"What am I doing here — what are you doing here, Nick?!"

I had been cheated on my the love of my life, twice.

"That's twice, Nick! Two times now!! What's the excuse this time?!" I held back the tears as I stood there with Noah in my arms. "Your not seeing Noah ever again — I mean, you probably don't care, do you?" I disgustingly looked at the pair before I was about to walk off I said one more thing, "I wonder how long this is gonna last" I scoffed as I walked off.

I waited for Nick to run after me, to say his sorry, to beg for my forgiveness. But no, he just stood there and stared at me. I gave him one last look before I headed outside. "You'll come around, you always do, and if you don't, remember that your son won't remember you, or your next child coming won't even know you." I angrily walked off about to cry.

... Madison sat in her car, gripping the steering wheel tightly, her emotions still raw. She had just left the painful confrontation with Gigi and Nick, and she needed to find solace and guidance. She knew Celine, her closest confidante, was the person to turn to in times like these.

With trembling hands, Madison dialed Celine's number and put the phone to her ear. As the call connected, she choked back her tears, waiting for her friend to pick up. Celine's reassuring voice came through, "Madison, what's wrong? You sound upset."

Madison spilled out the whole story, recounting every painful detail. Celine listened attentively, providing a comforting presence through the phone. "I can't believe he's done this to you again, and both with ugly little bitches! I hate both of their guts!!" Celine said, her voice laced with empathy before she got angry realising it was Gigi who also played a part in the situation her best friend had to suffer in.

Madison knew that Celine would be there for her, just as she had been through all of life's challenges. With her friend's support, she felt a glimmer of hope. "Celine, I don't know what to do," Madison admitted, her voice trembling.

Celine responded, "Take your time, Madison. We'll figure this out together. Right now, let's focus on you and Noah. We'll come up with a plan, and you don't have to go through this alone."

Madison nodded, grateful for Celine's unwavering support. With her best friend by her side, she started to regain some sense of control over the turbulent situation. They both began discussing her options, her next steps, and the path forward, with Madison feeling less alone in her struggle.

hey guys
and to think things were getting better between madison n Nick, but nope. hope u enjoyed it tho even tho it'd be hard to... lol not sure if I'll be uploading again tn maybe, maybe not still dk but gon take lil break too much to take in rn ahah but I'll try to upload again later on I'll do an even amount of ch js to make there be more lol

have a good one

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