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It had been a whole month and we were now on our way back to Melbourne. 

We were currently on our flight and what are the odds that Gigi and Nick are right next to me. I was on the window and Nick was next to me, leaving Gigi in the aisle section. Noah then started to cry. "Aw, don't cry" I kissed his cheek as I stood him up on my lap. He continued to cry so I tried putting him to sleep which wouldn't work. 

"Cradle him the other way," Nick looked at Noah and smiled. "He likes sleeping with his head that way." Nick looked at me. I then did what Nick said and Noah magically fell asleep. I then took out my phone and went to text Celine, but then I sighed as I remembered I had no WiFi. 

I looked out the window, revealing the beautiful sunset. I then took a photo with my free hand and looked at Noah, also taking a photo of him. 

"Nice sunset, isn't it?" Nick looked out the window. "Madison, don't be like tha-" "Nick, you better pray you shut the fuck up or else this plane won't be landing" Celine death stared Nick as she was sitting behind us, she watched her voice level as there were other people on the plane. Nick then rolled his eyes as he turned around. 

... They were doing passport checks as we had left the plane. "Aww, what a cute family" The worker smiled as she handed me Noah's passport. "Than-" "Funny enough we don't know him. My boyfriends back at home, waiting for me. Have a lovely night, ma'am" I lied about the boyfriend bit as I just didn't want the lady to know I was with Nick. Ok, maybe I was lying. I just wanted to make Nick jealous. 

Nick then chased after me. "You have a boyfriend?" Nick gasped as he looked hurt. "I don't like repeating myself" I brushed past him to meet Celine and Kendall outside. The cold Melbourne breeze came at me, luckily I was wearing a jumper and tights. But, I was still cold. 

Even though it was summer, the breeze was absolutely freezing - I mean, we all know how Melbourne is. 

We said our goodbye's to Celine and Kendall and I were on our way home. "Jet-lagged?" She asked me. "Nope." I yawned. "Just tired" I added. 

hey guys
so sorry i haven't uploaded in ages - writers block - and i've js been so busy!! anyways, hoping to be uploading again but on the summer holidays ill be trying my best lol. 

have a good one 

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