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I was now walking towards the restaurant. Great. I walked in and saw Damien sitting in a corner with his eyes on his phone, Kendall looking at her finger and Maleki also sitting on his phone. I walked over to them and the only spot left was next to Maleki. Damien's chair was moved as far as he could from Kendall's chair.

I sat down and placed my belongings on the table. "Hey" Kendall smiled. I was going to ignore her but thought about what my aunt said, "Hi" I looked at her. "How about everyone gets a chance to talk?" Kendall suggested. "How about we first order?" Damien replied. 

We had ordered, "Now can we, Damien?" Kendall looked over to him, "I don't know, last time I checked you were in charge of our every move" Damien snickered. 

"Alright, this isn't going to work if no ones going to want to make it work." I said. I grabbed Maleki's phone. "Weren't you begging at my doorstep for forgiveness and somewhere to stay? I helped you out, you owe me now" I switched off his phone as I gave it back to him. Damien looked at Maleki, but Maleki wouldn't look back at him.

"I'll go first" Kendall cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. To all of you, look I know I should've not done any of what I did. I'm ashamed even thinking of it. I was just- I can't even explain because I didn't know what was going through my head at the time. I hope you can all forgive me because I promise I will never do that again." Kendall spoke. 

"I don't think I owe any of you an apology" I shrugged. "I tried going into your room, to apologise. I walk in and you know what you were doing Kendall, so I helped you. Instead, you all thought it'd be funny to kick me out. I lived alone, in my house. By myself. Not one of you offered to help or to actually ask me to come back, even apologise. Maleki made things right, he eventually came around but you two, Damien you didn't try apologising once and you turn it on Kendall, like I know she's in the wrong but come on. Kendall, I didn't want to talk you but I'm only doing it for the sake of everyone's" I spoke. 

We all had apologised to each other and spoken things out, the food had come out and we were all good. My phone had automatically turned on. It was a message from Nick. "Is that Nick and Noah?" Kendall said in awe as she looked at my wallpaper. "Yep" I smiled at the thought of them both. "His so cute" She smiled. "Show me" Damien said. I turned the phone and they were all saying how cute the photo was. 

I had quickly checked Nick's message.

Nick: hey mads, just checking on u making sure everything's all good 
Madison: hii yeah all g thanks ill be home in around 20? noah asleep?
Nick: sounds good. yep his sleeping rn anyways enjoy ur night love u
Madison: oh ok good, ill ttyl love u too


I was happy my siblings and I were all good now, so I headed home with a smile on my face. I walked home and was in awe at the sight of Nick and Noah asleep as I walked in our bedroom. Noah was laid on Nick's chest, I took a quick shower and got ready for bed, I made sure to be quiet as I laid down next to Nick and kissed him on the cheek. 


hey guys

didn't upload the last ch until i was sure i was going to finish this by tn lol hope u enjoyed sorry if it's a bit crap tho hopefully i'll upload tmr if im not in a writers block but i reckon ill surely come up w smth its more so if im in the mood but idrc ill make sure to write one as i have nothing to do i think lol also not sure if this is long or short maybe in between nah idk hopefully good amount tho lmk what u think tho x

have a good one 

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